Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) For Lake Darling Dam
An Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) has been completed for Lake Darling Dam, located on the Souris River, near Minot, North Dakota [1]. The IDA has indicated that a reduction in flood...

Comparison of DAMBRK With DWOPER for Computing Water Surface Elevations at Stream Junctions
The National Weather Service computer programs DWOPER (Operational Dynamic Wave Model) and DAMBRK (Dam-break) are one-dimensional models using an implicit finite difference method of solution...

CORMIX1: Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis of Pollutant Discharges Into the Water Environment
The Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is an integrated software package for the analysis, prediction, and design of aqueous toxic or conventional pollutant discharges into watercourses....

Water Quality Monitoring of Highway Construction
The primary objective of water quality monitoring, as it relates to highway construction, is to obtain quantitative information to ensure that runoff from the construction site does not...

Partnership in Environmental Design for Brush Creek Flood Control
Brush Creek drains a highly urbanized area in metropolitan Kansas City. A large physical model was used to develop a channel modification design for flood control. The Parks and Recreation...

Land Drainage and Estuarine Salinity Response
An investigation is being conducted to (1) quantify the short-term effects of freshwater agricultural drainage on salinity in a tidal creek and (2) evaluate the off-site effects of water-control...

Riprap Stability in Channel Bends
A systematic test series is underway in a large test channel to define the stability of riprap on the outer bank of channel bends. A 'practical equilibrium' concept...

The Effects of Bank Protection on River Morphology
Revetment of bends with radius of curvature to width ratios (R/W) between 1.9 and 3.3 on Red River AR, and Sacramento River CA, does not cause the expected thalweg deepening and channel...

The Role of Vegetation in River Bank Erosion
The purpose of this paper is to describe briefly how streambank vegetation, both roots and shoots, modify the 'skin' or surface layer and how this in turn affects...

Groins and Vanes Developed Basing Upon a New Concept of Bank Protection
At curved bends, scour at the outer bank always accompanies deposition at the inner bank. A highly efficient river course for flood flow is considered to have a small lateral gradient...

Estuarine Mud Flow Modeling
This paper presents a model for the simulation of selective withdrawal of estuarine mud. This research is part of the investigation of the design of a mud pumping plant as an alternative...

A Stochastic Approach to Sediment Transport in Alluvial Rivers
A dimensionless sediment transport function relation for alluvial rivers has been developed using stochastic approach. The dimensionless function may be applied to estimate suspended load,...

Determining River Stages with Consideration of Backwater Effects
In a recent hydraulic investigation on the Cache River basin, the stages of the Mississippi River at the Beechridge station were found to be necessary downstream boundary conditions for...

Bank Protection at the Middle and Lower Yangtze
The Middle and Lower Yangtze runs through alluvial plains about 1800 km. There are mainly three types of river reaches: straight-slightly sinuous, meandering, and braided. This paper outlines...

Bank Erosion: A Review of British Research
The paper summarizes recent contributions from British geomorphologists and hydrologists. This includes field measurements of processes, modeling of corrasion and mass failure, interactions...

Mechanics of River Bank Erosion and Protection State-of-the-Art Report 3: Federal Republic of Germany
Regulation and bank protection on German rivers and waterways have a long tradition. Major elements are alignment, revetments, groynes, longitudinal dikes and scour protection in bends....

State-of-the-Art Report: Mexico
Design recommendations for groins and spur dikes are presented. For groins the most important ones are: to build them with sloping crests, orientated downstream and maximum spacing of...

Control of Bank Erosion in The Netherlands. State-of-the-art
In the Netherlands the protection against flooding and the effects of inland navigation have always been extremely important. Many problems related to these items, among them erosion and...

Relief of an Urban Storm Drainage System
The Peaks Branch storm sewer system was designed in the 1930s to drain 5.7 square miles of East Dallas. Subsequently, development blocked the emergency overflow paths and many areas are...

Effects of Vegetation on Floods at Four Arizona Sites
Four examples show the effect of vegetation on stage, discharge or frequency of floods. An 8-year growth of trees on the streambed at site 1 increased channel roughness enough to cause...





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