Managing Federal Aid Using Microcomputers
Wisconsin's federal aid for highway improvement is about 225,000,000 annually. The obligation authority (the ability to spend the federal aid) is limited to an estimated 162,000,000...

A Model for Evacuation of Transportation Networks
MASSVAC is a computer simulation model developed for the analysis and evaluation of evacuation plans for urban areas threatened by natural disasters. In addition to area demographic characteristics,...

A Freeway Simulation Program for Microcomputers
An interactive, menu driven macroscopic freeway simulation program with graphic capabilities is presented in this paper. In addition to the employment of personal computers the program...

Applications of Computer Graphics in Traffic Control
Computer models to develop improved designs and traffic management schemes are used more effectively with graphical displays of their results. This paper describes the TRANSYT DISPLAY...

ITDS: A Data Base Driven Interface to Traffic Models Using a Microcomputer
The author presents a system which solves many traffic control problems. The Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a set of microcomputer programs which provides an easy-to-use interface...

A Microcomputer-Based Safety Management System
An agency's effectiveness in undertaking its highway safety responsibilities is most critically dependent upon the information available and the means provided to access and...

DEL: A Fare Revenue Forecasting Model
As there could be several pricing alternatives producing the same amount of overall fare revenue, the solution search usually requires judgement in light of the predefined set of objectives...

Evaluation of the Driver/Extraboard Cost Model
This paper presents a general evaluation of the Driver Extraboard Cost Model. The evaluation is based on a series of validation tests performed using data from the Tri-County Metropolitan...

Graphics-Based Transportation Modelling with DIME/GADS/NEDS
Graphics helps analysts, policy-makers and the public understand the inter-relationships of land use patterns and transportation systems. A suite of graphics-based programs provide a decision-support...

Regional Planning Models Used in Subarea Windows
The typical regional travel-forecasting model has historically been confined to use on a mainframe computer. In an effort to reduce costs and allow computer hardware options, a three-tiered...

Microcomputer Site Models for Project Analysis
In 1984, the Genesee Transportation Council, the MPO for the Rochester New York area, undertook a study with the City of Rochester Bureau Of Planning and Zoning to investigate how microcomputers...

Traffic Planning Using Interactive Color Graphics
This paper describes the MULATM microcomputer traffic planning model, as an example of the possible uses for microcomputers in transportation planning. These uses include interactive input/output,...

Applying the Bus Garage Space Requirements Model
The Bus Garage Space Requirements Model (BBARN) is a computer-based model developed by the author to generate a detailed space program for an office/bus maintenance facility. BBARN provides...

Damage Mechanics and Continuum Modeling
Historically, the structural and mechanical engineers are conditioned to model a material in a purely phenomenological sense with little or no regard to underlying physical phenomenon...

Freezing and Thawing of Soil-Water Systems
This book presents a state-of-the-practice review on freezing and thawing of soil-water systems through ten interrelated papers on this subject. The papers review the following topics:...

Computing in Civil Engineering
A broad spectrum of computer applications in civil engineering is covered in 73 papers presented at the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Emphasis is on microcompters...

Emerging Computer Techniques in Stormwater and Flood Management
These proceedings identify and assemble information on recent applications of mini- and microcomputer technology to problems in urban stormwater and flood management. Instrumentation and...

Traffic Reroute
During reconstruction of Pittsburgh's Interstate 376, traffic and passenger diversion efforts, more extensive than ever before, were undertaken. Eight percent of the $62 million...

Seismic Qualification of Main Control Boards by Combined Mathematical Model and In-situ Modal Test
By adjusting the stiffness of the model, mode shapes and frequencies can be matched to those from the in-situ tests, thus giving a verified and representative model. With the verified...

Seismic Capacities of Masonry Walls at the Big Rock Point Nuclear Generating Plant
An evaluation to determine the ability of selected concrete block walls in the vicinity of essential equipment to withstand seismic excitation was conducted. The seismic input to the walls...





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