TRANSYT 7F Applications on a Microcomputer
This paper describes the results of work undertaken by Michigan State University Civil Engineering graduate students as part of two separate class projects. Significant support was provided...

Assessment of Software for Traffic Signal Analysis
The main objectives of this paper were to conduct an up-to-date comprehensive inventory of traffic signal analysis software, select pertinent programs that operate under the MS-DOS environment,...

ITDS: A Data Base Driven Interface to Traffic Models Using a Microcomputer
The author presents a system which solves many traffic control problems. The Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a set of microcomputer programs which provides an easy-to-use interface...

Low-Cost Accident Data Bases for Small Urban Areas
This paper describes the application of a microcomputer traffic accident data base system developed for Terre Haute, Indiana, a small (pop. 70,000) urbanized area in west central Indiana....

A Microcomputer-Based Safety Management System
An agency's effectiveness in undertaking its highway safety responsibilities is most critically dependent upon the information available and the means provided to access and...

Transit Scheduling With Spreadsheets
In two years, the Anchorage Transit Department has gone from having no microcomputers in use to having ten being used for route scheduling, monitoring ridership figures, maintenance management,...

Accessing the Schedule Data Base
Some of the potentially most significant uses of microcomputers in transit scheduling analysis (i. e. , to take advantage of the user-defined powers of the microcomputer to perform special...

Development of a Management Information System for the Brockton Area Transit Authority
The Brockton Area Transit Authority has from its beginning monitored ridership and service in order to evaluate its performance. Prior to 1981 all processing of that information was done...

Customizing a Payroll System for New Orelans
When the RTA recently assumed responsibility for the New Orleans area transit system from a private operator, there was no RTA in-house computer capability. While the previous owner agreed...

Automated Maintenance at Mendocino Transit
The Mendocino Transit Authority has been using the Fleet Controller, a vehicle maintenance cost control micro-computer program, for nearly a year. This paper describes the set-up and daily...

Operating Considerations for Automated Maintenance
There are a number of potential problem areas which can severely hamper the successful implementation of a Maintenance Management Information System. These problem areas are identified...

The Utility of Paratransit Database Management
Paratransit administrators are keenly interested in ways to improve their collection, management, and reporting of data. Many agencies currently use manual procedures or mainframe computer...

Colonial Taxi Inc.'s Experience with Multi-User Microcomputers and a Commercially Available DBMS
PAX-1 is a comprehensive database management system, developed by paratransit and taxi operators/managers, tailored to a particular operation - whether 5 or 500 vehicles are operated....

On-Line Color Graphics for Demand-Responsive Scheduling
Scheduling and dispatching a fleet of vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for transportation to and from various points in an urban area can be a complex proposition. Human controllers...

Using Census Data on Microcomputers
There is a growing demand for microcomputer data base systems that can store and retrieve information from the census. However, there is a shortage of software that can perform these functions....

Graphics-Based Transportation Modelling with DIME/GADS/NEDS
Graphics helps analysts, policy-makers and the public understand the inter-relationships of land use patterns and transportation systems. A suite of graphics-based programs provide a decision-support...

Subarea Transportation Planning on Micros
This paper describes the adaptation of the regionwide travel forecasting models developed for the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study (OUATS) for application at the subregion and subarea...

Long Range Element Update in Duluth, Minnesota
This paper discusses the use of microcomputer transportation planning software packages to update the Long Range Element of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Two...

Traffic Planning Using Interactive Color Graphics
This paper describes the MULATM microcomputer traffic planning model, as an example of the possible uses for microcomputers in transportation planning. These uses include interactive input/output,...

Database Systems in Transit Management
This paper describes the use of microcomputer database managers by transit operators. The findings are based on a survey of transit operations of various sizes in the southwest U. S. in...





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