STUDH: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model for Sediment Transport
TABS-2 water level and flow computations are performed by the generalized numerical model program RMA-2V; salinity and tracer transport computations are performed with RMA-4, and sediment...

ASCE Task Committee on Analysis of Laboratory and Field Sediment Data Accuracy and availability
Alluvial channel observations for laboratory and field conditions have been collected throughout the twentieth century. These data have not been adequately evaluated as to accuracy or...

Total Sediment Load Calculations for Goodwin Creek
Total sediment transport load of Goodwin Creek was calculated for the period from 10/1/84 to 9/30/88 using transport relations derived from sample data for the fines (< 0.06 mm),...

Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...

Calibration of a Movable Bed River Model
This paper discusses the calibration procedures used for a model study of three miles (5km) of the Arkansas River. A hydro-power station will be added to an existing Corps of Engineers...

Convective Sedimentation from a Stable Turbid Layer
A set of experiments was conducted to test T Green's criterion for the existence of double-diffusive convective motions at an originally sharp, horizontal interface separating...

Measuring Resuspension of Sediment by Barge Tows
An earlier effort to measure resuspension of sediment relied on U.S. standard depth-integrating sediment samplers. In designing a new effort to collect field data on resuspension, the...

Earthquake Effect on Sediment in Rivers and Deltas
Many authors have studied the age and distribution of the Holocene deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River. Several others have written about the magnitude and the recurrence interval...

The Sediment Problem in South Africa Reservoirs
The reservoir sedimentation problem has been studied in South Africa from 1903 onwards. A substantial capacity reduction in reservoirs located in high sediment production regions has been...

Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Sedimentation in Mud Mountain Reservoir at High Discharge
Mud Mountain Dam is a single purpose flood control project completed in 1948 on the White River in the State of Washington. The White River drains the northern and northeastern slopes...

Power Without Acid
Anticipating tighter acid rain controls, DOE is developing duct injection units that can be attached to existing powerplants. In a typical duct injection system, lime is sprayed into existing...

Scour Protection at the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests were conducted to determine the scour and the effect of tailwater on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin. Preliminary results are presented on performance...

Investigation of Low-flow Phenomenon in Case of Droughts
By the use of streamflow and truncation levels, hydrologic droughts are defined. Flows of different truncation level are obtained from each selected subbasin. Flow ratio is calculated...

Stochastic Modeling and Generation of Droughts
Stochastic simulation was used for deriving drought properties of the Poudre River, Colorado and the Red River, North Dakota. The autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model and a threshold...

Boundary Conditions of Tidal Model at River Mouth
A small grid is required to schematize irregular shape of shoreline in the vicinity of river mouth which limits the modeling area to be small. Tidal records along the boundary show no...

Identifying Causes and Predicting Effects of Bank Erosion
A number of causes of bank erosion in natural and disturbed environments are listed and described. Practical methods of predicting rates and directions of erosion in natural environments...

Geologic and Geomorphic Controls on Bank Erosion
Bank erosion is affected by both geologic (alluvial stratigraphy, sediment type, tectonics) and geomorphic (channel and valley morphology and history) variables. For example, present meander...

Hydraulic Mechanisms of Riverbank Erosion
Recent efforts are described to develop an improved understanding of bank failure due to piping in noncohesive layers in riverbanks. The efforts included field surveys and laboratory tests....

Geotechnical Aspects of River Bank Erosion
The principal geotechnical mechanisms of river bank failure are identified on the basis of extensive field investigations on many different river systems. The role of each factor depends...





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