Prediction of Shoaling in Estuarial Channels: A Microcomputer Application
Shoaling rates at three predominant areas of sedimentation in the Hooghly River estuary, India, have been predicted using a sediment transport model run on an IBM compatible microcomputer....

Simulation of Wetland Hydrology and Hydrodynamics
The relative changes in water stage in swamps and marshes and the variations of current velocities in bayous and canals under present conditions are calculated, using a computer watershed...

Radar for Flood Forecasting-Reservoir Operation
The A&M Watershed Model will soon be capable of improved weather radar supported real-time flood forecasting and reservoir operations. Improvement in the scheme for inputting radar...

Interfacing Groundwater Data Collection with Microcomputers
Advances in microcomputer based instrumentation have provided new techniques by which groundwater data may be collected and analyzed. The authors have used microcomputer based systems...

Data Base Development and Analysis for Water Distribution Systems
There have been a number of studies estimating the costs of repairing, replacing, or renovating aging distribution networks. Although useful in general terms, characterizing a system by...

Reliability Evaluation of Water Distribution System Components
Reliability engineering concepts are substantially developed and have been routinely and successfully applied to the evaluation of electrical and mechanical components. However, these...

Evaluation of Water Distribution Network Reliability
This paper briefly describes six techniques developed for evaluating reliability of systems with complex configuration. Also, a brief comment about the computational aspects and applicability...

A Shoppers Guide to Urban Stormwater Micro Software
Due to limited information provided by the ads, potential users may need to call or write to several vendors (or perhaps even purchase several packages) before finding one to meet their...

Integration of Micro, Mini, and Mainframe Computers in WES Hydraulics Studies
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WESA) Hydraulics Laboratory is involved in hydraulic studies of navigation and flood control projects of the Army Corps...

Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Water Supply
Effects of improved agricultural practices on non-irrigated areas were determined in a 4000-mi**2 drainage area above Milford Reservoir in Kansas, by use of a continuous computer simulation...

Computer Modeling of Groundwater Flow
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant: Twenty Years Experience with Changing Thermal Criteria
This paper and its companion papers focus on one aspect of the environmental impact of Browns Ferry - the discharge of heated water. The paper provides a description of the site and the...

Applications of a Diffuser Performance Model at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
An unsteady flow model and a diffuser performance formulation were combined to more accurately determine plant-induced temperature effects. This model has been applied to several aspects...

Field Evaluation of a Diffuser-Induced Mixing Model
Early physical model studies of the diffusers at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant qualitatively document the mixing characteristics of the thermal effluent. Based on these studies, the dilution...

Simulation of Far-Field Thermal Effects from Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
A computer model was used to evaluate the far-field effects of revised thermal discharge limitations at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN)....

Integrated Hydrothermodynamic Study of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
The results of hydrothermodynamic analyses and computer models discussed in previous papers are combined to present an integrated study supporting a request for alternative thermal limits...

Effect of Tall Vegetation on Erosion and Sedimentation: A Microcomputer Package
A model was developed to predict the effect of standing vegetation on sediment yield. The model is based on the relationship between local scour around standing vegetation and the role...

Two-Parameter Synthetic Unit Hydrograph for Microcomputer Application
A regression model was developed for estimating the unit hydrograph for ungaged watersheds. The model uses physical characteristics of the drainage basin to predict the parameters needed...

Interactive Computer Aided Graphic Water Well Pumping Test Evaluation Software
A microcomputer software package was developed which allows the user to interactively evaluate pumping tests using semilog and log-log graphic methods for time-drawdown, step-drawdown,...

Dual Drainage System Balancing Design Using Microcomputer Simulation
This paper describes the development and application of microcomputer software titled INTERHYD for design of a dual urban drainage system in Portland, Maine. The design problem consisted...





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