Transport Models to Simulate Nitrate Contamination
Computer models can be used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone, the results of which can be used as input to simulate flow and transport in the saturated...

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

Terrain Conductivity to Define Groundwater Pollution
Electromagnetic terrain conductivity surveys were conducted at four animal waste lagoon sites in South Carolina in an effort to delineate groundwater contamination from animal waste lagoon...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...

Soil-Pesticide Grouping for Water Quality Management
Pesticide and soil properties contribute to changes in runoff and groundwater quality. Because pesticides have been found in runoff and ground water, those managing water quality need...

On the Application of Multiphase Flow Models for the Simulation of Density Stratified Flow in Aquifers
Two types of numerical simulation approach are usually applied when simulating density-stratified flow in aquifers: (a) the sharp interface approach, and (b) the coupling of flow transport...

Buoyant, Miscible Plume in Heterogeneous Aquifer
A three-dimensional, particle tracking scheme is used to compute the trajectory of and spread about the centroid of a mass slug added to steady flow through an infinite aquifer with an...

Visualization Studies of Dense Leachate Plumes in Porous Media
In this paper, a series of flow visualization experiments investigating the behavior of dense leachate plumes are described. These experiments were performed in various flow containers...

Concentration Measurements in Dense Leachate Plumes Using a Gamma Radiation System
An automated, nonintrusive technique is discussed that determines salt concentrations in dense leachate plumes. The dense plumes were introduced from a line source into a relatively narrow...

Influence of the Deposition of Anthropogenic Organic Substances from the Atmosphere on Ground-Water Quality
Large amounts of organic substances are emitted into the atmosphere as a consequence of human activity. The primary emissions as well as their atmospheric reaction products reach the soil...

Nitrate in Rural Water Supplies in North Carolina
Over 9000 rural water supplies in North Carolina were analyzed for nitrate, chloride, electrical conductivity and pH. Data were collected on well characteristics and potential sources...

Survey of Rural, Private Wells: Statistical Design
Half of Illinois' 38 million acres were planted in corn and soybeans in 1988. On the 19 million acres planted in corn and soybeans, approximately 1 million tons of nitrogen...

Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of some potential climate change effects such as sea level rise, changes in tropical cyclone intensity and frequency, and changes in precipitation and temperature...

Effect of Nile River Flow on Performance of Shoubrah Power Plant Cooling System
Shoubrah El-Khimah Power Plant was built in 1982. Its peak capacity is 1200 MW, generated by four units, three of them having one cooling water intake. The cooling water pumps suffer from...

Bed Forms of Nile River
In this paper, the observed bed forms for six different reaches of the Nile River in Egypt are described. The purpose of the study is to inquire whether or not the different available...

Application of Stable Channel Design Method
Systematic stable channel design methods are currently being developed by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station for use in the planning stages of local flood control projects....

Hydraulic Aspects of Grade Control Structures
This paper describes the function of grade control structures. The primary purpose of a grade control structure is to maintain or establish a desired bed elevation in a channel. Basically...

Operational Procedures for Estimating Bottom Exchange Rates
After briefly reviewing the terminology of the various bottom and water column exchange fluxes, the body of this paper summarizes five possible procedures for establishing operational...

Wind Generated Wave Resuspension of Sediment in Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Vertical profiles of velocity and suspended-solids concentration were measured at a scientific instrumentation platform in Old Tampa Bay during the passage of a cold front in March 1990....

Pump Station/Storage Opportunities for Urban Freeway Systems
This paper introduces the concept of utilizing underground storage to minimize both the initial cost and the long-term maintenance and operation costs of multiple pump stations for a freeway...





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