Models for Lake and River Basin Analysis
This tutorial describes basic concepts, purposes and issues of mathematical models for lakes and river basins. Simulation and optimization models are discussed and their structure and...

Modeling Water Resources Systems for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...

OPNET: A Nonlinear Design Algorithm for Hydraulic Networks
The author has developed a general computer program OPNET to be used in the optimal design of hydraulic networks. The computer program can be used to optimize three basic variables; tank...

Catchment Response Models in the Computer Age
The paper deals with catchment response models and addresses the question - what do we know when we know a model? The history of catchment modelling over the last seventy five years is...

Microcomputer-Based Monthly Treatment Reporting
Massachusetts wastewater treatment plants must file monthly operating reports with the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control. A microcomputer-based monthly reporting system...

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...

User-Friendly Reservoir Routing on Minicomputers
Two models for routing reservoir releases and computing reservoir elevations for the TVA reservoir system are described. The models are designed for use on a 16-bit minicomputer with a...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

Computerized Design and Selection of Pumping Systems
Three computer models have been applied in the evaluation, design and selection of a high-lift pump station upgrading program developed for the City of Poughkeepsie, New York. The three...

Integrated Design Methodology for Urban Stormwater Detention Facilities
The objective of this paper is to present the core of a design methodology that avoids the pitfalls of the design storm concept by using a microcomputer algorithm to estimate the long-term...

Storm Sewer Computer-Aided Design and Uncertainty
A micro-computer based storm drainage model is presented which facilitates urban storm sewer design on fast tracked construction projects. The model is an interactive Basic program using...

Computer Aided Design Using CORPS
The Hydraulic Analysis Division, Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has the responsibility for developing and disseminating hydraulic guidance for...

Multi-Objective Planning: Great Lakes Water Policy Issues
This paper reports upon the development of computer algorithms for multi-objective planning for Great Lakes water policy issues. Sample applications are presented for the control of phosphorus...

EPA Supported Wasteload Allocation Models
Modeling is increasingly becoming a part of the Wasteload Allocation Process. The US EPA provides guidance, technical training and computer software in support of this program. This paper...

Future Trends in Software Development
The Office of Water (OW) has set program goals of improving the productivity and technical quality of wasteload allocation modeling and water quality-based permitting in the States and...

Optimization of Flood Control Projects
Project optimization analysis techniques have become indispensable tools for the design, management, and administration of flood control improvements. The increasing complexity of engineering...

Computer Usage in Obtaining Alternate Optimal Solutions for Water Resources Optimization Problems
In this paper, alternate optimal solutions of a few example linear programming problems are obtained by using a computer routine developed for the purpose. The routine is capable of generating...

Optimization in Water Resources Planning
Recently developed optimization software represents significant first steps toward the application of the digital computer as a design and planning tool. This software has recently been...

Study of Stochastic Planning and Design of Multireservoir Systems
A new approach named Lumped to Discrete Programming (LDP) coupled with constrained stochastic optimization and successive approximation approach amongst reservoirs gives promise to subtantially...

Solving a State Environmental Agency Computer Maze
This discussion relates the experiences of a state environmental agency in addressing a decade of inadequate attention to the importance of computers and automated data processing to the...





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