A Hydrologic Model Developed for Microcomputers
An event oriented hydrologic catchment model has been programmed for use on a microcomputer. Because the program is written in PASCAL, it uses features of this language that eliminate...

Automation of a River Model
The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has used physical models to study sedimentation problems since 1931. With the recent advent of new technology, it was realized...

Computer-Based Data Acquisition, Analysis and Control: A Minicomputer System
The Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (EFML) employs two computer systems for the purpose of data acquisition, analysis and control. The first, an HP-2100 system, is used primarily...

Embankment Overtopping Tests to Evaluate Damage
The paper reports on studies of embankments 6 ft high, 10 to 22 ft in crest width, and 3 ft in length, with slope varying from 2:1 to 4:1. Embankment surfaces include pavement, grass,...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Embankment Overtopping
Embankment overtopping and dam safety are major concerns of civil engineering and the general public. Very little is known about overtopping events and much less has been published or...

3-D Orthogonal Curvilinear Circulation Modelling
A three-dimensional circulation model has been developed using an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The model as constructed is capable of simulations on a variety of time and...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow, Salinity, Sediment, and Radionuclide Movements in the Hudson River Estuary
The three-dimensional, finite difference model FLESCOT was applied to a 106-km reach of the Hudson River estuary in New York between Chelsea and the mouth of the river. It predicted the...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Buoyancy-Driven Cavity Flow
The preliminary results of a numerical investigation of natural convection flow in a three-dimensional cavity heated from below are presented. The transient three-dimensional simulation...

Applications of Discrete-Element Computational Models to Transient, Multi-Dimensional Problems in Hydrology
The direct computer simulation technique, discrete-element method (DEM) was applied in the development of transient, multi-dimensional mathematical models for simulating hydrologic conditions...

Unique Utilization of a Physical Model to Develop a Construction Sequence of a Major Cofferdam
Lock and Dam 26 Replacement is being constructed on the Mississippi River about 2 miles downstream of the existing Locks and Dam No. 26 at Alton, Illinois. This paper discusses the unique...

Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic Model Studies of Spillway Damage
The Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project is located in Bangladesh. On August 13, 1961, distress was noted in the spillway flow. A special Board of Consultants considered possible causes for...

Glen Canyon Dam Spillway Tests Model-Prototype Comparison
Between August 1983 and August 1984, model and prototype tests were run on the spillway of the Glen Canyon Dam. The tests were used to design and evaluate the performance of the aeration...

Microcomputer Program for Daily Weather Simulation
Extensive climatic data have been collected by the National Weather Service and other agencies, and are available in printed form or on magnetic tapes. The published data are expensive...

Time and Space Resolution for Continuous, Dynamic Storm and Runoff Model Studies
Continuous modelling correctly reproduces start-up values of storages and loss rates and statistics for properties of hydrographs. Kinematics of storms should be considered. The effects...

A Microcomputer Program for River Sedimentation
Erosion and deposition of sediment in rivers causes numerous problems. In order to describe this process, both the hydraulic properties of the river and the mechanics of sediment transport...

Macro Data Acquisition Systems on Minicomputers
Selection of the proper minicomputer for a real-time data system is a careful design process based on system requirements. Hardware should be purchased after requirements are set and not...

Landfill Liner Hydraulics for Microcomputers
Two different models are presented for the study of sloping bottom liners for landfills. The first is based on the assumption that the leachate volume is uniformly distributed over the...

The Micro vs. Mainframe in Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting
This paper describes and compares the performance, application, and suitability of a microcomputer as host for the large-scale hydrologic model called SSARR. The SSARR Model is currently...

Flood Routing Through Rock Dumps in Natural Channels
The paper deals with flow through rockfill to analyze the problem of flood routing through large masses of waste rock from mining operations dumped in natural channels. Rock dumps in ephemerous...





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