Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...

Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport Modeling on Small Tropical Watersheds
A fundamentally-based concept of a soil erosion and sediment transport model in a forest tropical area is presented. It will be incorporated to the ANSWERS model. The forest hydrology...

Sediment Yield and Mean Annual Discharge from Watersheds in the Indian Subcontinent
Measurements of sediment deposition in reservoirs located in the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Pakistan) indicate that the rate of sedimentation is much higher than predicted during...

A Watershed Model of Sediment Transport?Load-I
A watershed sediment transport model has been formulated and optimized upon storm hydrographs and the associated sediment load data for several watersheds that have been urbanized and...

Convective Sedimentation from a Stable Turbid Layer
A set of experiments was conducted to test T Green's criterion for the existence of double-diffusive convective motions at an originally sharp, horizontal interface separating...

Movement of Sediment Mixtures in a Parabolic Flume with Simulated Rainfall
A 4-m long flume with parabolic cross section and adjustable slope was constructed to investigate the sediment carrying capacity and the variation of grain size distribution during deposition....

Measuring Resuspension of Sediment by Barge Tows
An earlier effort to measure resuspension of sediment relied on U.S. standard depth-integrating sediment samplers. In designing a new effort to collect field data on resuspension, the...

Earthquake Effect on Sediment in Rivers and Deltas
Many authors have studied the age and distribution of the Holocene deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River. Several others have written about the magnitude and the recurrence interval...

Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Sedimentation in Mud Mountain Reservoir at High Discharge
Mud Mountain Dam is a single purpose flood control project completed in 1948 on the White River in the State of Washington. The White River drains the northern and northeastern slopes...

Reservoir Sedimentation Mathematical Modeling
The main objective for this paper is to show how one can predict the sediment movement, and estimate the volume of the deposited sediments, which is considered as one of the factor affecting...

Top Projects for 1989
Transportation-related projects, most notably bridges, dominate the 1989 OCEA projects, but each of the 11 improved the quality of life of people in the community without harming the environment....

Scour Assessment at Bridges
Due to the key role that bridges play in the national transportation system, the Federal Highway Administration has developed a scour evaluation program. This program, issued in the form...

Scour Protection at the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests were conducted to determine the scour and the effect of tailwater on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin. Preliminary results are presented on performance...

Analysis of Local Scouring
An understanding of local scouring is very important for the safety and integrity of hydraulic structures. The location, shape, and magnitude of the scour hole is a function of dynamic...

Implementation of FEMA Guidelines on Alluvial Fans
This paper provides a general basis for analysis and mapping of flood hazards on alluvial fans. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) alluvial fan methodology is discussed...

Application of Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Principles in the Design of Tidal Exchange Structures
This paper presents a procedure for the analysis and design of tidal exchange structures, such as tidal gates and training dikes. In lieu of over generalized theories or complicated modeling...

Identifying Causes and Predicting Effects of Bank Erosion
A number of causes of bank erosion in natural and disturbed environments are listed and described. Practical methods of predicting rates and directions of erosion in natural environments...

CORMIX1: Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis of Pollutant Discharges Into the Water Environment
The Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is an integrated software package for the analysis, prediction, and design of aqueous toxic or conventional pollutant discharges into watercourses....

Single-Channel Alluvial Fan Hydraulics with Application to Design of Medium-Density Projects
Methods to identify flood hazards on alluvial fans are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in their Flood Insurance Study, Guidelines and Specifications for Study...





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