Lessons Learned About the Building Code Process?The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Building codes and standards exist to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry. Concern must also be given to the need to safeguard the economy lest major changes in...

Hugo - Lessons Learned
This paper is based on ground surveys along the South Carolina coast from Edisto Island north to Myrtle Beach. It also includes ground surveys as far inland as Charlotte, North Carolina....

Masonry Performance in the Coastal Zone
Investigators from the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) surveyed the coastal areas of South Carolina from Charleston to Myrtle Beach during a seven day period just after hurricane...

Lessons Learned From Hugo About Building Design Trends
An investigation of 100 buildings was made to evaluate their resistances to Hurricane Hugo which occurred on September 21 and 22, 1989 at Charleston, South Carolina. A nearby anemometer...

Roof Wind Damage Mitigation: Lessons From Hugo
Hurricane Hugo caused extensive roof damage in Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas. Extensive field investigations have revealed the causes of many of the problems. This paper...

A Post Hurricane Hugo Transportation Study
Hurricane Hugo will remain in the minds of South Carolinians for many years to come. This hurricane attracted most of the world's attention in 1989 as it devastated every...

Effects of Hurricane Hugo On Water and Wastewater Systems of the Charleston Commissioners of Public Works
Hurricane Hugo had a major impact on the operations of the Charleston Commissioners of Public Works in their effort to provide safe water and wastewater service to their customers. Through...

Surviving the Storm: Building Codes and the Reduction of Hurricane Damage
The link between adequate building codes, enforcement, and the level of damage experienced in major hurricanes was examined in a 1989 study by AIRAC, a public policy research group sponsored...

The Plight of State Legislation Mandating Building Codes in South Carolina
Since 1968, counties in South Carolina have exercised their individual option to adopt and enforce building codes. Prior to Hurricane Hugo on September 21, 1989, 17 of the 46 counties...

The Facts About Hurricane Hugo - What It Was, What It Wasn't and Why It Caused So Much Damage
This paper summarizes the information presented at a public forum in Charleston, SC on September 15, 1990. Wind and surge conditions are described, the extent of damage to buildings and...

Lessons Learned from Hurricane Hugo and Future Mitigation Activities
This paper is given as a summary of many of the various conclusions presented in the symposium, Hugo One Year Later. This includes presentations dealing with the performance of various...

CZMA Consistency Opinions: An Undiscovered Body of Law
The Coastal Zone Management Act allows states to block the issuance of Federal licenses and permits if the permitted activity would be inconsistent with the state's Federally...

Induced Subsidence: Environmental and Legal Implications
Subsidence of coastal areas can be induced by withdrawal of fluids from shallow, unconsolidated horizons beneath the shore zone. In southern California, Huntington Beach, Torrance/Redondo...

Beach Politics?The Importance of Informed, Local Support for Beach Restoration Projects
The increasing utilization of our coastal areas by people and the development attendant to it have resulted in attempts to maintain or stabilize shorelines. In this paper the author emphasizes...

Public Involvement in Coastal Planning?The Long Beach Experience
A land use plan is often the creation of a professional planning staff prepared in response to the direction of public officials. When the City of Long Beach, California, was required...

The Dispersion of Ocean Outfall Plumes: Physical and Biological Dynamics
The discharge of municipal wastewater into the coastal ocean through large ocean outfalls is an important component in managing sewage wastes generated by heavily populated urban areas...

Moored Systems for Time Series Observations of Bio-optical and Physical Variability in the Coastal Ocean
Recently, multivariable moored systems (MVMS) have been developed to study the ecology and physics of the upper ocean. Concurrent MVMS measurements provide time series of beam attenuation...

Measurements of Nutrient and Metal Fluxes from the Sea Floor in the Area Around the Whites Point Sewage Outfall, Los Angeles, California
Studies are underway to determine the influence of sewage outfall-impacted sediment on the exchange of nutrients and trace metals in the coastal marine environment. Utilizing a benthic...

Regional Monitoring in Southern California
Increasing concern about larger-scale, longer-term, and cumulative environmental effects has outstripped the ability of traditional point-source monitoring programs to provide useful information....

Mixing and Dispersion Processes in the Vicinity of an Ocean Outfall System in Southern California
Ocean wastewater plumes are important for the disposal of municipal wastes in Southern California. These plumes, which are discharged from sanitation systems, can be distinguished in the...





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