Use of X-Ray Computed Tomography in the Study of Marine Sediments
X-ray computed tomography (CT scanning) is primarily a medical imaging technique. When applied to marine sediments, it responds predominately to the spatial density distribution within...

Recommended Cold Regions Meteorological Instrumentation
For nearly 30 years, CRREL has studied environmental conditions in winter weather. These efforts have concentrated on providing field-measured meteorological data and historical climatological...

Failure Modes of Flat Bottom Vertical Storage Tanks
Flat bottom vertical storage tanks are important components in essential nuclear power plant safety systems. Data on the seismic capacity and failure modes of such tanks have been identified,...

Beyond Engineering: The Politics of Maracaibo
The Lake Maracaibo Bridge in Venezuela was built in 1959. It ranks as one of the largest and longest bridges in the world at the time it was built and contained the longest concrete cable-stayed...

Application of Discrete Feature Analysis to Repository Characterization
Rock mass heterogeneity plays an important role in the hydrologic and mechanical behavior of radioactive waste repositories. This heterogeneity is, in turn, strongly influenced by the...

Effect of Material Heterogeneities on Flow Through Porous Media
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the effects of material heterogeneities on the flow of water through rock. Multiple numerical calculations were made using random variations...

The Adoption of Mechanized Excavation Techniques for the Superconducting Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) is the latest and largest in a line of high-energy physics accelerator projects. The five increasingly energetic accelerators which make up the...

Comparison of Elastic and Inelastic Analysis and Test Results for the Defense High Level Waste Shipping Cask
In the early 1980's, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high level...

Strontium Isotopes in Carbonate Deposits at Crater Flat, Nevada
Strontium isotope studies of carbonates from soils, veins, eolian dust and Paleozoic basement sampled near Crater Flat, southwest of Yucca Mountain, provide evidence for the origins of...

A Formalism to Generate Probability Distributions for Performance-Assessment Modeling
A formalism is presented for generating probability distributions of parameters used in performance-assessment modeling. The formalism is used when data are either sparse or nonexistent....

A Decision Support System for Performance-Based Site Characterization
The complex and dynamic requirements of site characterization present a major management challenge. ParaTrac, a regulatory and technical information system, is described as a valuable...

A Parallel Fron Large-Scale Stris
A methodology for large-scale structural analysis using a parallel frontal solution algorithm is developed and implemented on the Alliant FX/80 Multiple Instructions Multiple Data (MIMD)...

A GIS for the Louisiana Coastal Zone
The U. S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans is responsible for collecting, interpreting, and publishing large amounts of data related to engineering geology, subsidence, and land loss...

GIS Applications Floodplain Reconnaissance Studies
U.S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans (NOD) employed a Geographic Information System (GIS) to support a flood plain management Reconnaissance Study. The study region encompassed the...

Integration of SCADA and GIS Technologies in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Due to its physiographic setting in the delta region of the Mississippi River, a majority of the inhabited lands in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana are below local mean sea level and much...

GIS Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Applications of the Future
The use of computer technology has had a dramatic impact on the way we plan, design and manage municipal infrastructure networks. Low cost desktop computers and workstation technology...

Analysis of Thermal Scanning Imagery to Investigate Point Inflows Into Surface Water Bodies
Using a modified technique of thermal infrared remote sensing, physical sampling, and data analysis (graphical and geostatistical) locating a small inflow to a lake was possible. Thermal...

Runoff Modeling Using the Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph and ARC/INFO Geographic Information System
The degree to which the spatial variability of watershed characteristics (geographical and climatological) is recognized for simulating watershed runoff depends on the hydrologic model...

The Application of GIS Technology in Planning and Maintaining Distribution and Collection Systems
To date, the use of geographic information in the planning and maintenance of distribution and collection systems has been limited to AM/FM systems. However, the needs of engineers while...

Management and Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at Solid Waste Landfills
Solid waste landfills in Ohio and Michigan, as in many states, are required to have monitoring wells. Groundwater samples from these wells are analyzed to determine if leachate from the...





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