Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....

Rehab or Replace? Foundation Testing Provides the Answer
A $15 million, multidisciplinary testing program was undertaken to determine the least expensive methods of rehabilitating Locks and Dam No. 26 on the Mississippi River. The Problems were...

Drilled Piers and Caissons
Drilled piers, also called drilled caissons, drilled shafts, bored piles, and cast-in-situ piles, have recently undergone a period of growth in their use as foundation bearing elements,...

Dynamic Response of Pile Foundations
Analytical Aspects
Recent developments in the analytical solutions and relevant measurements regarding pile foundations are examined. Pile foundations for both onshore and offshore structures are covered,...

Pile Field Support Prefabricated Plants Floated into Place
A unique pile support system, combined with earth dikes and superflooding inside an earth drydock to found floating, prefabricated plant structures on the piles, is estimated to have saved...

Post-Tensioned Foundations as Economical Alternative
Although post-tensioned (p-t) foundations have been utilized in the U.S. since the early 1960s, the last five years have witnessed a substantial increase in their implementation. Used...

101 Uses for Earth Reinforcement
A mini-symposium on earth reinforcement held at the April 1978 ASCE national convention attracted participants from around the world; symposium papers form the basis of this paper. Methods...

World's Tallest Offshore Platform Stands in 1025 Ft of Water
During the summer and fall of 1977 and 1978, Shell Oil installed the world's deepest drilling and production platform in water. Located in 1025-ft of water at the Cognac tract...

Foundation Soil Preload Saves $164,000
Soils in the lower Mississippi valley are highly compressible and present a challenge to structural foundation designers. Rather than support power plant structures on piles, one design...

Aerated-Pile Composting: A Promising New Alternative for Sewage Sludge Disposal
In the past several years, traditional methods of sludge disposal such as incineration and ocean dumping have come under fire from environmental groups and the EPA. This has sparked a...

Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Highway � Lessons in Arctic Design and Construction
Construction of roads on muskeg over perennially frozen subsoils is becoming increasingly common in the arctic and subarctic regions of North America due to recent emphasis on development...

California Soon to Have Platform in 850 Ft of Water
Exxon's oil drilling and production platform, to be placed off Santa Barbara, Calif. next July, will stand in water twice as deep�� 850 ft versus about 420 ft�� as any other...

Condeep�In 400 Ft of Water, Concrete Caisson Requires No Piles
The Condeep structure consists of (1) 19 cylindrical tanks each 66-ft diam and 164-ft high that together will store up to 900,000 bbl of oil; (2) the extension upward 300-ft more of three...

Supertanker Fixed Berth in Open Ocean
The oil terminal offshore Tomakomai, Japan, is the world's first fixed dock in open ocean. It must withstand 150 mph typhoon winds. To minimize time, cost and danger of open...

New Orleans Grows on Deep Piles
In the New Orleans area, tall buildings must be supported by piles extending at least into the preconsolidated clays at -150-ft (-46-m) or so. Settlement is much too severe and uneven...

Innovative Design at Florida Bulkhead Reduces Material and Construction Costs
Remedial work to an existing bulkhead at a deep-water berth for Port Everglades, Florida, has been done with substantial savings through the application of innovative design concepts....

Anchorage Port Survives Nature
Engineering at the Port of Anchorage was complicated by severe ice conditions, extreme tides, a current up to 5 knots which carries a severe ice floe, and poor foundation conditions at...

Pipeline Bridge Uses Timber Arches
An arch bridge is utilized for the purpose of providing a river crossing for a water supply pipe. Tidal influence, an unfavorable riverbed situation complicated by estuarial and other...

Frost Heaves�� A Major Dilemma for Ice Arenas
The ice sheets of three arenas in Minneapolis-St. Paul have had frost heaves ranging from seven to eleven inches (0.2 to 0.3 m). Proper design should prevent frost from penetrating the...

The Sinking of the Amsterdam Metro
Subway construction was not practical in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, until this new placement technique. Most of the buildings in Amsterdam rest on old, untreated wooden piles that would...





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