Managing by Database
Many computer programs are available for managing the operations and maintenance aspects of a facility. To date, most computer programs for managing a facility have been generated by mechanical...

Behavior of Metal Structures
This technical symposium illustrates the various aspects of transfer of information from research results to engineering practice. The papers cover historical technical background, current...

Market Research and the Engineering Firm
In an age of volatile market changes and stiff competition, engineering firms need continuous market research, the author writes, leading to development of an effective marketing plan....

The Successful Job Interview: Dos and Don'ts
A job interview primer suggests ways to land the job you want with a consulting engineering firm. A key factor to the successful job interview is careful preparation. With careful research,...

The Microcomputer Explosion in Civil Engineering Firms
During the next five years, small and medium size consulting engineering firms will undergo many changes. The key changing force is the low cost ($2500 to $20,000) microcomputer. Already,...

Problems of the Independent Consultant
Problems of consultants who practice alone are considered in terms of the author's experience in developig a practice. Issues discussed include establishing a foothold, locating...

A Primer on Microcomputers
This article is a primer on microcomputers. It's intended for the many small and medium sized consultants and others in the civil engineering field who may be considering...

Reducing Risk and Liability through Better Specifications and Inspection
Papers presented at the Conference on Reducing Risk and Liability through Better Specifications and Inspection, and transcripts of the ensuing discussions are included in these proceedings....

Microcomputers: Do They Have a Place in Large Engineering Firms?
During the past few years, microcomputers have really begun to take hold in small consulting engineering firms. Less well known is the fact that microcomputers are also beginning to take...

Chemical Spill Cleanup Named Project of the Year
A 1978 hazardous-waste spill in Michigan has been cleaned up so successfully that the American Consulting Engineers Council named it the 1982 project of the year. Here is how the railroad...

Firm's Management Approach Leads to 25% a Year Growth
The consulting engineering firm that would outlive its founders must grow to attract, develop and hold the professional and managerial talent necessary for survival. Growth must be based...

What Type of Sewer Pipe is Best? Life-cycle Cost Analysis Yields Answer
In the past, many engineers have selected the type of sewer pipe for a particular project based mainly on a comparison of initial costs of concrete, steel, and other types of pipes. This...

Engineering and Business
Converting Engineers to Businessmen
Business practices and the role of the engineer as manager are covered in the papers presented at a symposium on engineering management at the October, 1982 National Convention of the...

Curbing High Turnover in Consulting Firms
Many consulting engineering firms suffer from high-employee turnover. This is bad for the firm, and bad for the individual engineer. Suggestions to reduce turnover are given. For example,...

ASCE Salary Survey 1981
This is the sixteenth report in a series of biennial salary surveys conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Salary data is reported on seven major categories for civil engineers:...

Selected Papers by Alfred M. Freudenthal
Civil Engineering Classics
Fifty-six papers written by Alfred M. Freudenthal, or co-authored by Prof. Freudenthal, are included. The papers are divided into three areas: structures, theories of mechanical behavior...

Improving the Civil Engineering Profession: Essay Contest
In the October issue of Civil Engineering, ASCE announced as essay contest on these issues: How can the civil engineering profession be improved? How can civil engineering works be planned,...

Construction Productivity Improvement: How to Get Started
The greatest cost reductions and improvements in speed and efficiency on construction sites have come when management analyzes work methods, administrative and environmental constraints,...

Improving the Civil Engineering Profession � Essay Contest
Ideas for improving the civil engineering profession are addressed in these three winners of a Honorable Mention in CE's 1980 Essay Contest. In the first article, entitled...

Employee Appraisals: Define and Motivate High Standards of Performance
The committee on Engineering Management at the Individual Level (EMIL) conducted a survey of civil engineering consulting firms' employee appraisal programs. The purpose of...





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