Modeling Initial Mixing of Ocean Wastewater Discharges to Develop Toxic Effluent Limitations
The UM model, released by USEPA in 1992, was utilized to simulate the initial mixing of a discharge to the Atlantic Ocean near Ocean City, New Jersey. The study included field verification...

A Computerized Methodology for Conducting Pedestrian Gap Studies
this paper will detail recent improvements with the procedure the New York City Department of Transportation utilizes when conducting Pedestrian Gap Studies. These improvements were made...

Water Infrastructure Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The availability of water distribution infrastructure is critical to the sustained support and growth of society. Water infrastructure consists of systems that carry water (pipe and irrigation...

Public Perceptions of Fresh Water Issues
Risk management takes place in a context of public perceptions of fresh water quality, quantity, and availability. Regardless of their consistency or inconsistency with expert opinions,...

Flood Loss Assessment with Integrated Measures
In most cases, the maximum flood loss reduction can be achieved only by an optimal combination of both structural and nonstructural measures. An integrative approach that combines the...

Coastal Eutrophication and Temperature Variation
A 3-D hydroecological model has been developed to simulate the impact of climate-change-induced daily temperature variation on coastal water quality and eutrophication. Historical daily...

Climate Change
The wide range of predictions from global climate models most often encourages a wait-and-see approach. These uncertainties and a trust that conventional policy is sufficient to accommodate...

Controlling Lead and Copper Corrosion and Sequestering of Iron and Manganese
With the recently enacted Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), many utilities are faced with the conflict of meeting the requirements of the Rule and controlling aesthetic problems caused by source...

Modeling Issues of Copper Solubility in Drinking Water
The paper discusses the application of a model to the solubility of copper in drinking water. This paper is the result of numerous forms of pitting corrosion and pipe failures. Monitoring...

The Effects of NOM and Coagulation on Copper Corrosion
Copper corrosion was examined in solutions containing natural organic matter (NOM) and in situations where NOM was removed by enhanced coagulation with alum or ferric chloride. Electrochemical...

Water Chemistry of Lead Corrosion Control
Requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule (U.S. EPA) makes it necessary for regulators, consultants, and water purveyors to understand the fundamental relationships between water quality...

Control of Microbial Water Quality in the Little Rock, Arkansas Distribution System
Beginning in the summer of 1993, seasonal studies were undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of water treatment processes at Little Rock Municipal Water Works (LRMWW). Two treatment...

Comparison of Biological and Chemical/Physical Iron Removal
The report compares the efficiency of chemical/physical and biological iron removal processes during the entire filter cycle. The results of the first three pilot studies performed in...

Filtration and Backwashing Performance of Biologically-Active Filters
Before widespread use can be made of biological filters, it is crucial to develop an understanding of the filtration and backwashing performance of these filters. Experimental results...

Clarifier Enhancements Yield Excellent Performance
The critical role of final clarifiers in meeting effluent permit requirements in indisputable. Poor performance of the final clarification step may adversely affect effluent quality. Experience...

Sensitized Photooxidation of Dissolved Sulfides in Water
The ability of methylene blue (MB) and riboflavin (RF) to sensitize dissolved sulfides for photooxidation was investigated. Both MB and RF were found to be effective sensitizers for the...

Fouling of Nanofiltration Membranes by Natural Organic Matter
Nanofiltration membranes (with pore sizes on the order of 10-9 m) have been shown in pilot plant studies to provide a very effective means of removing...

Pilot Test on Groundwater Organics Removal by Low-Pressure Membranes
A 1-year membrane pilot study has been performed to evaluate disinfection-byproduct (DBP) precursors and color removal by low-pressure membranes from groundwater with color values up to...

Artificial Recharge of Aquifers
Artificial groundwater recharge is a means of replenishing groundwater supplies with surface water which might otherwise be lost. Artificial groundwater recharge has also been used to...

Ozonation as an Alternative to Mandatory Filtration
The increased levels of required disinfection along with more stringent disinfection by product control as outlined in the Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Disinfectant-Disinfection...





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