Cost Effective Transit Capital Planning
The analysis required for expansion of capital assets in public transit is complex and inter-disciplinary. Economic analysis is only one part of that overall evaluation. Thus, expansion...

Applying Private Sector Financial Incentives to Urban Transit
Financial incentives for both managers and workers are widely used in the private sector to spur increased performance and productivity. Can they work in the transit industry? This paper...

Making Parking Pay
This paper analyzes the financing opportunities and options for providing new downtown parking garages. It identifies the present financial posture of municipal parking agencies, analyzes...

An Improved Method to Predict Annual Transit Fare Revenues from Mid-Year Results
Effective short-term financial management of transit systems requires the same three general actions necessary to manage all service oriented industries: 1)monitoring of short term (usually...

Digestor Do-Over
Digesters at 6 Orange County (Calif.) wastewater treatment plants needed drastic odor control rehabilitation. Repairs included epoxy patching to cracked domes, installation of a geomembrane...

Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
The Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities attempts to improve the quality of the constructed product through interdisciplinary communication. Papers examine the causes and costs of failures...

Evaluation of Small Hydropower Sites in Ghana, Africa
Six potential small sites and one mini site under construction were visited. Two additional potential sites were identified from map studies. Flow duration studies indicated that with...

Overcoming Obstacles to Micro-Hydropower in Developing Countries
This paper presents some examples of approaches to reducing the cost and sophistication of micro-hydropower technology to make this technology more readily accessible, economically attractive,...

Manali Mini Hydro Power Project: A Case Study
The paper describes the various civil, hydromechanical and electrical features of Manali Mini Hydro Power Project which has been set up as a National Demonstration Project. The paper discusses...

Analysis of Slow Speed vs. High Speed Generation
This paper presents a discussion of the relative merits of each alternative, with emphasis placed on experience gained from projects recently completed. The discussion considers such factors...

Methodology for Optimization of Cascade Small Hydro
An accurate classification of small hydro sites is introduced. Class 'C' small hydro developments utilize favourable topographical and hydraulic gradients along...

Insuring Security Requirements of Power Contracts
Under the fixed, or levelized rate utility contract, utility offers a fixed rate for the life of the contract. In the early years, the rate is in excess of the utility's avoided...

Analysis of Hydropower Cost Adjustments in the Southeast
This paper consists of: (1) an analysis of the current cost sharing for hydroelectricity production arrangements for the Federal projects currently classified as those whose electrical...

Safety of Dams Activities in the Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region
In the Lower Colorado Region of the Bureau of Reclamation (BuRec), there are presently eight BuRec dams and one Bureau of Indian Affairs dam being modified or studied for modification...

Uprating Francis Turbines Provides Additional Energy
The use of existing powerhouse, penstocks, dams and unit configuration, all provide for a quick cost effective method to increase output from an existing turbine installation. This paper...

A New Generation of Standard Francis Spiral Turbines
A new generation of standardized Francis spiral case turbines has been developed by Voith. The high performance has been achieved through employment of the most recent hydraulic designs...

Costs of Truck Related Highway Damage to Alaska
The cost of pavement damage to the State of Alaska for truck traffic continues to be a very controversial topic. There is no simple answer since this cost is dependent upon pavement strength,...

Economic Analysis of Highway Safety Projects
The most commonly used economic analysis for highway safety projects is the cost-benefit ratio. While this is a valid analytical tool, it must be used correctly to produce valid results....

Evaluation of Safety Alternatives by Benefit/Cost Analysis
There is an increasing awareness of the need to use limited highway safety funds on projects that offer the greatest benefits. This paper describes the development and application of a...

Shoulder Rumble Strips at Narrow Bridges
The highways in the United States have thousands of minimum design narrow bridges. Replacement of these bridges with current state of the art designs is not cost effective nor feasible...





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