Three Dimensional Modeling of Circulation and Salinity in Mt. Hope Bay and the Lower Taunton River
A three dimensional, vertical sigma coordinate hydrodynamic model was developed and applied to Mt. Hope Bay and the lower Taunton River. The model solves the conservation of water mass,...

Environmental Modeling of Coastal Wetlands
Several useful modeling techniques have been developed for the numerical solution of the vertically integrated Reynolds equations on unstructured grids in wetland environments. The objectives...

Analyzing Larval Fish Distributions Using Hydrodynamic and Transport Modelling
Port Moller is a major spawning ground for Pacific herring. Coincident with extensive larval sampling in the estuary, data required for simulating three-dimensional hydrodynamics and transport...

Issues Related to Modeling the Transport of Suspended Sediments in Northern San Francisco Bay, California
Measurements of suspended sediment concentrations at several deep-channel stations in San Francisco Bay are reviewed. Sediment concentrations are found to be strongly correlated with delta...

An Energy Based Model for Coastal Bays and Lakes
The North American Great Lakes have numerous tributary bays and small lakes along their coastline that open directly to the Great Lakes through natural or engineered channels. As a consequence...

Modeling the Seasonal Circulation in Massachusetts Bay
An 18 month simulation of circulation was conducted in Massachusetts Bay, a roughly 35 m deep, 100?50 km embayment on the northeastern shelf of the United States. Using a variant of the...

Linking Hydrodynamic and Biogeochemical Transport Models for Estuarine and Coastal Waters
Methodologies for linking estuarine and coastal hydrodynamic and biogeochemical transport models are reviewed and evaluated. The central premise of the review and evaluation is that intratidal...

Comparison of Eulerian-Lagrangian, Random Walk and Hybrid Methods of Modeling Pollutant Transport
An Eulerian-Lagrangian, a random walk, and a hybrid model were compared in terms of their accuracy and efficiency in simulating two-dimensional pollutant transport. Computer experiments...

A Field and Modeling Study of Residual Circulation in Sarasota Bay and Tampa Bay, Florida
Based on analysis of current data at three distinct locations within the Sarasota/Tampa Bay system, we defined the residual circulation patterns and the relative influences by tides, wind...

Application of WQMAP to Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
WQMAP is a PC-based water quality analysis tool linking numerical models and environmental data with a geographic information and display system. For this application the model set consisted...

On the Generation of Infragravity Waves by Shoaling Multidirectional Waves
The generation of long period waves in shallow water by shoaling multidirectional waves is investigate using both numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. The numerical model...

Analysis of Prototype Long Period Waves for Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Resonance Studies
Long period wave data have been collected at an offshore wave gage and system harbor gages for over eight years in the Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor region. These expansion of the harbors....

Nonlinear Decomposition of a 2-D Wave Field
Based on an understanding of nonlinear wave interaction in dual component wave, a new numerical scheme allowing for hybrid wave-mode modeling has been developed. in the hybrid wave-mode...

A Comparison of Three Wave-Measuring Buoys
We compare the performance of three wave-measuring buoys: a Seatex WavescanTM, an Endeco/YSI WavetrackTM,...

Implementation and Validation of a Global Third-Generation Wave Model at Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center
The third-generation Wave Model (WAM) is currently being implemented at the U.S. Navy's Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FLENUMOCEANCEN) to replace the operational Global Spectral...

Predicting Wave Spectra With a Third Generation Spectral Wave Model
the ability of the third generation spectral wave model, 3GWAM, to simulate frequency and directional spectra during a northeast storm of October 1990 along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast...

Experimental Study of Monochromatic Wave-Ebb Current Interaction
Laboratory experiments were conducted in a 26-m by 36-m basin with a 1:30 plan beach to study the interaction of monochromatic waves and an ebb current in and near shallow entrance channel....

Decay of Random Waves on Non-Monotonic Profiles
A model is presented to calculate the decay of random waves in the surf zone with special focus on non-monotonic profiles. A wave-by-wave approach is employed to derive a model that requires...

Propagation of Linear Gravity Waves Over Slowly Varying Depth and Currents
A detailed derivation of some kinematic and dynamic properties linear surface gravity waves-current interaction. The obtained expressions, which are exact within the framework of linear...

Comparisons of Directional Wave Analysis Methods
Four methods analysing directional wave spectrum were testes and compared through numerical simulation. The four methods are (i) the truncated Fourier series (TFS), (ii) the Longuet-Higgins...





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