Worth the Risk?
The construction process is fraught with uncertainties, but integrated, proactive risk assessment and risk management methods can help owners, engineers and contractors make better, informed...

Cable Corrosion in Bridges and Other Structures:
Causes and Solutions
This book provides the reader with basic facts concerning cable corrosion and means to avoid or rehabilitate corrosion damage. Corrosion problems associated with cable-supported structures...

Solving the Innovation Puzzle
Challenges Facing the U.S. Design & Construction Industry
This book provides a first-hand perspective of innovation in the design and construction industry. Solving the Innovation Puzzle outlines the...

A Simplified Process Audit to Design an Affordable Pollution Prevention and Waste Management Plan - Part 1
This paper presents a simplified approach to the general audit procedure that is applicable to the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). The process leads to the identification of major sources...

Validation of the Simplified Audit Process at a Roofing Tar Paper Speciality Product Manufacturer - Part 2
The Simplified Audit Process (SAP) is presently tested in a roofing tar paper speciality product manufacturer in Joliette, Quebec. The steps involved in the process had helped the company...

Pilot Testing of a Zero-Discharge Treatment Process
As environmental regulations become more stringent, pulp and paper mills are investigating alternatives to conventional biological treatment and discharge of effluents into receiving waters....

White River Fish Screen Project?Hydraulic Modeling
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) proposed in a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project replacement of the existing fish screens constructed...

Engineering Features of the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant
In 1995, the construction of the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant (RBRPP) was completed. The pumping plant is a research facility for evaluating the biological/engineering features of...

Westlake Farms Demonstration Wetlands A Cooperative Effort
This paper describes the process for establishing a wetlands complex to evaluate environmental issues that could not be answered without the operation of a large demonstration project....

Design and Implementation of a Multi-Faceted Site Remediation
This technical paper presents a case history of the design, construction, and start-up of a multi-faceted site remediation system. The case history includes a description of the site background,...

Secondary Containment Design Practices
Over the past several decades the design approach to containment of spills has not been consistent resulting in release of hazardous substances into the environment. The increased discovery...

Surface Bypass-Collector Concepts and Performance
Surfacetype bypass collectors and concepts are described. Biological and engineering requirements to pass juvenile salmonids at Snake?Columbia River dams are presented. The components,...

Advanced Seawater Desalination Plant
A project that will demonstrate an enhanced seawater desalination process that operates in combination with upgraded existing coastal power plants to meet part of the projected water needs...

Groundwater Monitoring For a Tunneling Project
The Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan, developed for the proposed tunnel reaches between Devil Canyon and City Creek, monitors and manages selected water resource features within...

Value Engineering Changes to the Eastside Pipeline
Value Engineering is a process of applying analytic, creative and evaluative techniques to a project in order to make recommendations that will, when implemented, maximize value and quality...

The Secondary Inlet of the Eastside Pipeline Project
The subject of this paper is a design feature included in the current capital improvement program of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. This feature, the Secondary...

Impact of Sedimentation Caused by Runoff
As water is pumped into a reservoir, sedimentation caused by runoff can be an important factor in the reservoir's storage capacity. This report discusses various studies conducted...

Modeling Groundwater Response to a Perimeter Flood
A large industrial facility in the west of France was impacted by a flood in January 1995. Costs associated with the disruption in one week of production were estimated at $15E6 US. In...

Concept Ecology Integrated Project Engineering and Environment; Relating a Project to the Surroundings
The selected alignment of the 27.3 km long Veterans Expressway in Tampa, Florida was constructed for better access to the downtown area from a relatively rural but fast growing area of...

Urban Water Conservation Efforts of the Irrigation Association
Water conservation, wise water use, efficient water management: no matter what terminology one uses to describe it, the fact is the topic of using less water permeates the irrigation industry....





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