Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Shear Transfer
This study was focused on the dynamic response of concrete interfaces under the effects of impulsive loads, and the relationship between the interface shear transfer and the response in...

Review of NPP Concrete Degradation Factors and Assessment Methods
Degradation of concrete in nuclear power plant (NPP) structures can be an age-related phenomena. Several research programs have been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

Adaptive and Parallel Methods for Nonlinear Solid Mechanics
The solution of nonlinear problems, which are of importance to industry and in scientific computations, requires increasing degrees of resolution. This high degree of resolution can be...

Design Cable-stayed Bridge for Cost Effectiveness and Safety
Innovative design approach is needed to enhance the prestigious status enjoyed by cable-stayed bridges. The present paper aims at such a goal of cost effectiveness and safety by providing...

On Distributed Processing Applications in Finite Element Analysis
Computer architectures may be classified by the relationship between their instruction and data streams (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD) and the locality of memory (shared, local). Distributed...

Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete End Blocks
This paper briefly reports on a series of experiments carried out on strip-loaded prestressed concrete end blocks. The results show that corresponding design methods presently used in...

Cylindrical Shell Redesign by Large Admissible Perturbations
Redesign (or inverse design) is the problem of defining an objective structural State S2 from its specifications and the known baseline State S1. The large admissible perturbations approach...

Wave Propagation in Fluid Loaded Periodic Structures
Periodic structures, such as rib stiffened plates or cylindrical shells, are frequently used as major structural components in naval and aerospace applications. For these applications,...

Stress Relaxation Analysis for Sealants
A solution method for stress relaxation analysis of systems composed linear viscoelastic material in a state of plane strain is presented. The incremental, finite element method takes...

Nonisothermal Viscoplasticity
A nonisothermal theory of viscoplasticity is formulated for a medium subjected to finite deformation. The basic system of equations consists of the laws of conservation of linear and angular...

Numerical Implementation of Nonlocal Elastoplastic Damage Theory
A nonlocal elastoplastic damage theory recently proposed by Valanis (1992) is implemented into a finite element wave code. The model retains hyperbolicity even under strain softening,...

Relationships Between Error Estimation and Adaptive Computations in Strain Localization
In this work, the a posteriori error estimates and the h mesh refinement techniques using hierarchical finite element shape functions are tailored for numerical simulations of strain localization...

Densification/Creep Behavior of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of High-Level Calcined Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
A mixture of simulated high-level calcined waste (HLW) and Frit additives was hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) to a dense glass-ceramic waste form. A densification mapping software was...

Water Wave Generated by a Porous Wavemaker
A vertical porous wavemaker sitting in an infinitely long channel of constant depth is studied. The wavemaker performs horizontal oscillatory motion. A simplified analytical approach for...

Computer Simulation of Direct Shear Test
This paper presents a pilot study of a computer simulation of direct shear test on sands using the Discrete Element Method. The numerical test setup is described first, which is followed...

Numerical Integration of Transient Creep Constitutive Equations for Polycrystalline Ice
A numerical time integration algorithm is developed to solved the system of coupled, first-order differential equations characterizing the physically-based constitutive model of Shyam...

Constitutive Modeling for Material with Perfect Disordered Heterogeneity
Finite element analysis with large number of elements are performed to simulate perfect disordered heterogenous material. The probabilistic nature of the micromechanical behavior of the...

Nonlinear Analysis of Strain-Softening Damage under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The paper reviews the modeling of damage by the microplane model and presents extensions required for cyclic loading. The general microplane constitutive model is implemented in a three-dimensional...

Steady-State Nonlinear Heat Transfer in Multilayered Composite Panels
A two-dimensional computational model is developed for the nonlinear heat transfer in multilayered composite panels. The model is based on a first-order thermal lamination theory with...

Nonlinear Geometric and Material Considerations in Shell Structures
A geometrically and materially nonlinear static shell theory allowing large displacements, rotations, and strains with parabolic shear is developed. The theory is cast into a total Lagrangian...





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