Field Instrumentation Program Vital to Deep Excavation Project
An extensive field instrumentation, monitoring and evaluation program was implemented for a seven-level deep excavation project in Boston. Using the observational approach, the information...

Group Effect in the Case of Downdrag
A summary of the various techniques available to calculate downdrag forces on pile groups is presented. In light of all these existing techniques, a simplified method is recommended. An...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

Effect of Shell on Beach Performance: Examples from the West-Central Coast of Florida
Time-series analysis of beach profiles and sediment analysis along the Pinellas County coast of Florida over a 2-yr. period shows that shell abundance has an influence on beach performance....

Sponge Distribution at Arraial do Cabo, SE Brazil
Spatial and temporal distribution of shallow water sponges were studied on southeastern Brazilian rocky coasts by means of qualitative and quantitative samples made by SCUBA diving. Cluster...

Design and Implementation of a Coastal Resource Geographic Information System: Administrative Considerations
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a data management and information analysis system that allows the capture, synthesis, generation, retrieval, analysis and output of spatial data....

An Update to CoastWatch?NOAA's New Capability for the Coastal Ocean
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) CoastWatch project was initiated in August 1988 in response to a red tide event off the North Carolina coast....

A New Approach to Ocean Data Management
Ocean Data Management is the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological and geological data useful for research purposes in the...

NOAA's Coastal Ocean Database and FOCOS Program
The NOAA Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction (COAP) was recently formed in Monterey to support collection, distribution, and analysis of marine data for application to coastal ocean...

Destruction Caused by Hurricane Hugo: A Timber Resources Damage Assessment in a Coastal Region
Damage assessments of large areas impacted by intense natural storms can be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the area and amount of damage to pine forests within...

Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...

Quantifying Mud Exchange Between the Eastern Scheldt Tidal Basin and the North Sea
Net transport of sediment < 53 ?m through the mouth of the Eastern Scheldt has been quantified. Combination of data on spatial and temporal variability shows that incertainties...

Accuracy Standards and Development of a National Shoreline Change Data Base
Data associated with mapping shoreline position provides baseline information used by scientists, managers, and planners for quantitative assessment of historical trends and prediction...

Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
The impact of hurricane Hugo on the beaches of South Carolina is examined by comparing beach survey data collected during the spring and summer of 1989 with post-storm survey data collected...

Dredge Spoil and Inner Shelf Investigations off Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Dispersion of dredge spoil from an inner shelf dump-mound in 11-17 m water depth, 3 km offshore from Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, was investigated as part of environmental...

Performance of a Beach Nourishment Project Based on Detailed Multi-Year Monitoring: Redington Beach, FL
A recent monitoring project of a beach nourishment project includes closely spaced profiles and sediment analysis which provides data on nourishment performance which can be used in management...

Complex Principal Component Analysis of Wave-Like Sand Motions
Complex Principal Component Analysis is applied to bathymetric data from the SUPERDUCK experiment at Duck, NC. This approach is shown to describe more of the variation with fewer functions...

An Evaluation of Area Source Dispersion Algorithms
The correct simulation of air pollutant dispersion from area sources of pollutants has presented some unique challenges to dispersion modelers. This study employs geometric tests and sensitivity...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...





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