Slow Sand Filtration
This report, Slow Sand Filtration, was prepared by the Task Committee on Slow Sand Filtration of the Water Supply Committee of the Environmental...

World Marina '91
This proceedings, World Marina '91, consists of papers presented at the First International Conference held in Long Beach, California,...

Urban and Regional Conflict Resolution in Water Related Issues
This proceedings, Urban and Regional Conflict Resolution in Water Related Issues, consists of papers presented at the ASCE National Convention...

Air-Water Mass Transfer
This monograph, Air-Water Mass Transfer: Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, consists of papers presented at the Symposium which...

Pumping Oil, Treating Soil
Oil was discovered on hilltop land in Signal Hill, Calif., in 1921, setting off one of the most wild land rushes the state has ever seen. Some 70 years and 20,000 oil wells later, the...

Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering
Expert systems are an intriguing approach for transferring valuable problem-solving skills from the minds of human experts to the logic of computer programs. For the past several years,...

On the Reliability of Offshore Platforms Against Random Sea Waves and Earthquake Motions
Dynamic response of offshore structures to random sea waves and strong earthquake motions is investigated. The wave-structure interaction is represented using the generalized Morison equation...

Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Marine Structures Under Random Wave Loads
A simple nonlinear dynamic structure/ship model is combined with a filtered noise model of random wave loads. It is shown how this model can include (1) non-Gaussian wave elevations and...

Tension Leg Platform Response to Drag Forces by Equivalent Stochastic Quadratization
An equivalent stochastic 'quadratization' method is described for performing nonlinear stochastic response analyses of offshore platforms subject to wave and...

Loading Uncertainties in Extreme Waves
Uncertainties associated with extreme base shear forces and extreme overturning moments are estimated for an idealized eight-legged jacket platform. The structure is assumed to respond...

Minimum Lifetime Cost Design of Coastal Structures?A Proposal of Design Method for Rubble Sloping Breakwaters
The authors propose herein a rational design method for coastal structures with consideration for their repairs. The special characteristics of the proposal are that a certain extent of...

The Concept of the New Waterway Storm Surge Barrier: Reliability as an Integral Part of a Nation's Sea Water Defense System
In the southwest of the Netherlands a storm surge barrier is to be built in the waterway that gives access to the port of Rotterdam. Strict design conditions ensure that only very slight...

Reliability Analysis for Offshore Structures
This study presents the reliability analysis of an offshore structure. The mechanical model includes various elasto-plastic diagrams with and without the combination of the normal force...

Correlated Non-Gaussian Models in Offshore Structural Reliability
Correlated non-Gaussian models of offshore loads and responses are developed. These require only correlation coefficients and either marginal distributions or moments. Simple estimates...

Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of an Offshore Structure
This paper develops and illustrates a methodology for multi-hazard modal risk assessment. The case study involves assessing risk to an offshore structure in a load environment consisting...

Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Water Delivery Systems
The response and vulnerability of straight segmented buried pipelines subject to seismic wave propagation are investigated in this paper. Seismic damage to buried pipelines is briefly...

Serviceability of San Francisco Auxiliary Water Supply System
A method is developed for estimating the seismic serviceability of water supply systems. The method can account for uncertainties in earthquake, mechanical properties of soil and pipelines,...

Serviceability of Water Transmission Systems
This present paper deals with the vulnerability and reliability of a functionally as well as physically hierarchical lifeline system. Most major lifeline systems have this feature. For...

Graphical Demonstration of Serviceability Analysis
A graphical interactive computer program (GISALLE) has been developed using state of the art computer graphics to estimate the seismic performance of water supply systems. GISALLE is developed...

A Practical Model for Forecasting Water Supply Functions at Time of the Earthquake
This study aims to construct a practical forecasting model for the seismic damage restoration of city water supply functions by using experts empirical knowledge as well as the functional...





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