Use of Computers for Soil and Rock Testing
The Bureau of Reclamation's central geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado, routinely uses computers and associated electronic measurement devices for data acquisition,...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

Automation in Soils Testing Facility USAE Waterways Experiment Station
Automation is a powerful tool that when used intelligently can increase production, minimize cost, and improve production in any testing laboratory. The Soils Testing Facility (STF) at...

Spatial Variation in Liquefaction Risk Assessment
Basic concepts and methods of random field theory, needed to characterize 'distributed disordered systems', are reviewed and applied to a soil liquefaction case...

Reliability in Rock Engineering
This paper reviews approaches to reliability in rock engineering through a survey of methods developed at MIT. Since these methods are intended to be applied in engineering decisions,...

Foundation Evaluation of Barkley Dam for Seismic Analysis
An in-situ site investigation was performed at Barkley Dam, KY to gather essential information on the stratigraphy and nature of the foundation soils. From this information the site was...

Data Base of Seismic Body Wave Velocities and Geotechnical Properties
A data base of seismic velocities measured in soils and standard geotechnical engineering material properties has been established at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Development of the South Carolina Coast 1959-1989: Prelude to a Disaster
The history of hurricanes on the South Carolina Coast is reviewed. It is shown that reasonable design wind and surge conditions could have been established before the rapid development...

Preparations for the Storm
At the state level the Emergency Preparedness Division operates a single central emergency operations center in Columbia. It relies upon other state agencies for response and recovery...

Meteorological Aspects of Hurricane Hugo
Despite recent improvements in the accuracy of hurricane forecasting at a rate of about one-half to one percent per-year over the past decade, the population growth in coastal mainland...

Within the North Wall of Hugo (Personal Recollections of Being in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time)
Our house is in Romain Retreat, a subdivision of lots of 1 1/2 -3 acres in Awendaw, S.C. approximately 20 miles northeast of Charleston off Route 17 and about the same distance from McClellanville...

Hurricane Hugo's Effect on Marina Structures
The author has visited over twenty-five sites along the South Carolina coast and in Puerto Rico to ascertain the effects of Hurricane Hugo on marina facilities. Types of structures evaluated...

Hugo's Sturctural Damage in Puerto Rico
The results of a study of the wind damages caused by Hurricane Hugo is presented. Cases involving wood structures, industrial steel buildings, multistory reinforced concrete buildings,...

Debris Removal and Channel Shoaling
Hurricane Hugo was one of the worst storms of the century to strike the east coast of the United States. The storm tracked a northwesterly course approximately 11:30 P.M. on Sep. 21, 1989....

Report on Hurricane Hugo and the Response to It by South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
The South Carolina Electric Gas And Company's response to the disaster began even before Hugo Struck. Company employees began preparing for the predicted onslaught. Workers...

Inspection of Damaged Buildings
Volunteer engineers and architects have had a significant impact in expediting the recovery of South Carolina from the ravages of Hurricane Hugo. Augmenting state and local government...

An Overview of Hurricane Damage to Military Facilities and the Storm Recovery Role Played by the Southern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Hurricane Hugo struck a major blow to the military's shore facilities at Charleston, SC and Sumter, SC. The Air Force Base at Myrtle Beach, SC suffered only minor damage....

Structural Engineering Lessons Learned From Hurricane Hugo
Hurricane Hugo purported to be 'The Storm of The Century' caused considerable property damage over a tremendously large area effecting nearly everyone and every...

Lessons Learned by a Wind Engineer
Surface wind speeds during the passage of Hurricane Hugo through the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are described. Although damage to the affected areas was extensive, an assessment...





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