The Matched Artificial Dispersivity Method
The paper presents a class of models that are well-suited for microcomputing and that are based on what may be called the 'Matched Aritifical Dispersivity' method....

Analytic Solution for Seepage from Saturated Soil Behind a Braced Wall
The locations of streamlines and equipotentials for two-dimensional flow in the vertical plane normal to a vertical retaining wall can be determined by various methods. Recent extension...

Microcomputer Graphics Flood Stationarity Test
Only records that correspond with present river conditions should be used with flood frequency analysis when forecasting. A microcomputer test is discussed which aids in selecting appropriate...

Flood Peak Program for Urbanizing Semi-Arid Areas
This paper describes a microcomputer program for flood peak determination based on a highly modified version of the Rational method developed by M. E. Zeller, which employs the Soil Conservation...

A Microcomputer Based Real-Time Flood Warning System
A microcomputer based real-time flood warning system is being developed as an event monitoring and early warning system for local areas. The system consists of a micro computer based central...

Instrumentation for an Uplifting Ice Force Model
Pile-supported, light duty structures are especially vulnerable to the uplifting forces. To evaluate the parameters that control the magnitude of the uplifting force a laboratory model...

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...

APM System Performance and Guideway Design Parameters
Automated People Movers (APM) are a relatively new form of transportation system becoming popular over the last twenty to twenty-five years. They are characterized by fully automatic and...

Investigation of Design Criteria for APM Guideways
Designers have relied mostly on the provisions of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Sometimes...

The Possibility of People Mover Cost Reduction in Japan
One of the major problems preventing the introduction of people movers into urban areas is their expensive unit cost in comparison with existing transport technologies. In this paper,...

Planning and Environmental Assessment of New Transit System
The guideway of the new transit system 'KANAZAWA SEASIDE LINE' which Yokohama City has started construction is designed as an elevated type throughout the line,...

Toward User-Oriented Failure Management Strategies for the Morgantown People Mover
The Morgantown People Mover (MPM) is the most sophisticated automated people movers in the United States. It is the only one that offers 'personalized' service...

The Effect of Connection Flexibility on Steel Members and Frame Stability
With the advent of Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and the many existing moment-rotation curves for connections, the use of actual connection flexibility in the design process...

Utilization of Experimentally Obtained Connection Data in Assessing the Performance of Steel Frames
Data from over 70 separate experimental studies on steel beam to column connections are reviewed with particular reference to the joint's in-plane moment-rotation characteristic. More...

Buckling of Flexibly-Joined Simple Frames
A nonlinear analysis of plane elastic frames is presented. The static loading consists of both eccentric concentrated loads (near the joints) and uniformly distributed loads on all or...

Behaviour and Strength of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections
A research study was started at the Politecnico of Milan (Italy) to investigate the influence of the main governing parameters on the behaviour and strength of flexible frames. A sophisticated...

Joint Flexibility in Steel Frames
This paper investigates the effects of connection flexibility and panel zone deformation on the behavior of plane steel frames. The incorporation of these factors in frame analysis will...

Flexibility of Steel Seismic Moment Connections
Relevant Berkeley experimental results are critically evaluated to determine the flexibility of W18 W24 beam joints with and without stiffeners and/or doubler plates. The paper discusses...

An In-Plane Finite Element Model for Brick Masonry
A finite element model for brick masonry is reported. The model takes account of non linear deformations and progressive local failure. The failure may occur in the joints alone or in...

Nonlinear Macroscopic Finite Element Model for Masonry Walls
A macroscopic finite element model which includes both transverse shear effects and nonlinearity due to cracking has been developed for masonry. These features are accommodated using a...





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