Risk Communication: Translating Technically Complex Information to Facilitate Informed Decision-Making
Based on a review of risk communication and related literature, including policy material, this paper describes the newly revamped risk management program of the Department of Energy's...

Development of a Structural Model to Analyze Public Opinion on a High-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
Studies show that Nevada residents and state officials oppose the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository project at Yucca Mountain. Nevada residents view the Yucca Mountain repository...

Perceived Risk, Trust in Government, and Response to Repository Siting in the United States
Conflicts over the siting of high-level radioactive waste repositories have been intense and unrelenting. Public and state opposition to implementation of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Policy...

Geologic Sample Handling and Logging at Apache Leap, Arizona
Early in 1990, the Yucca Mountain Project Office (Project Office; presently the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) completed two...

Some Conclusions from a Biospheric Model Validation Study (BIOMOVS)
BIOMOVS (BIOspheric MOdel Validation Study) is an international co-operative effort to test biospheric models designed to calculate the environmental transfer and bioaccumulation of radionuclides...

Regulatory Requirements and Long-Term Repository Host Rock Performance
The regulatory requirements governing the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in mined geologic repositories acknowledge the long-lived nature of the wastes and require the consideration...

Test and Evaluation of Natural Barriers at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Management of the Site Characterization Program
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for managing a characterization program for the Yucca Mountain site to collect data needed to determine if the site is suitable for recommendation...

Solving the High-Level (and Low-Level) Radioactive Waste Puzzle
Finding sites for both high-level and low-level radioactive wastes (LLRW and HLRW) has come to a virtual halt. The present system is based on a 'command-and-control'...

A Model for Effective Intergovernmental Planning
Effective intergovernmental planning processes are essential to the resolution of potential affects created by federal projects. In this paper, two successful planning efforts are described....

Opting for Cooperation?A Case Study in Siting a Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility
In 1986, the Canadian federal government called a halt to efforts by a crown corporation to site a low-level radioactive waste management facility when it became apparent that continuation...

Building Consensus in Developing Radioactive Waste Management Systems
To successfully develop radioactive waste management systems, national authorities must work to establish consensus on numerous complex issues among many affected and interested parties....

Mechanical Excavator Performance in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
A research effort of four phases is in progress at the Colorado School of Mines. The overall program will evaluate the cutability of welded tuff and other lithologies likely to be excavated...

The Adoption of Mechanized Excavation Techniques for the Superconducting Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) is the latest and largest in a line of high-energy physics accelerator projects. The five increasingly energetic accelerators which make up the...

Principles of the NATM and Other Uses of the Geologic Monitoring Techniques
The NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) differs in several respects from other construction methods. Also referred to as the 'sequential support method' or the...

Risk Assessments for the Design of Subsurface Openings
A probabilistic approach was introduced to assess the risk of structural instability due to rock joint systems in rock mass, where subsurface openings are excavated, such openings as shafts,...

The Standard Contract's Delivery Commitment Schedule Process
The Standard Contract for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste specifies various activities necessary for the eventual acceptance of spent nuclear fuel...

A Comparison of High-Level Waste Form Characteristics
The U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for the eventual disposal in a repository of spent fuels, high-level waste (HLW) and other radioactive wastes that may require long-term isolation....

Evaluation of Alternative MGDS Development Strategies
A methodology has been developed to explicitly and quantitatively evaluate acceptable alternative repository development strategies, in terms of the degree to which they are likely to...

Determination of Cost Effective Waste Management System Receipt Rates
A comprehensive logistics and cost analysis has been carried out to determine if there are potential benefits to the high-level waste management system for receipt rates other than the...

Conclusions from Project-90 With Regard to a Regulatory Framework
A five year performance assessment program, Project-90 [1], has been concluded by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, SKI. The project was defined to develop independent assessment...





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