Iceberg Interactions with Offshore Structures
Various aspects include the component problems corresponding to iceberg drift in open water, iceberg drift in the vicinity of a large offshore structure, wave-induced motions of a berg,...

Probabilistic Description of Ice Forces on an Offshore Arctic Structure
A probabilistic simulation model has been developed to describe the frequency and outcome of multi-year ice floe encounters with a fixed offshore structure located in the Beaufort Sea,...

Spatial Analysis of Ice Charts
Spatial approaches to ice environment modeling can not only lead to better local hazard predictions but also produce regionalizations that are useful for construction, navigation, and...

Arctic Earth Materials for Offshore Construction in Alaska
With the exploration activities onshore and offshore and the development of production facilities, the need for granular earth materials on the North Slope of Alaska is ever present. The...

Strudel Scour: An Arctic Seafloor Scouring Process
Strudel scour is an arctic phenomenon which occurs every spring when the fresh-water rivers melt and inundate the sea ice cover of the arctic sea. This fresh water flowing out over the...

Arctic Oil Spills in Relationship to Sea Ice Motion
Sea ice on a scale of a few kilometers must be treated as a granular material rather than a continuum. The floes are in nearly constant motion relative to a fixed frame and each other....

An HF CODAR Doppler Transponder System
Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company completed two major phases in the development of a high frequency (HF) CODAR Doppler transponder system for measuring sea ice motion. The system...

Foundation Response of Arctic Structures to Time-Dependent Ice Loadings
Arctic structures are subjected to a variety of time-dependent loadings, the most important of which are those due to ice. An approach is presented for estimating the strength and deformation...

Negatively Buoyant Flow in a Diverging Channel
Negatively buoyant (plunging) flow from a horizontal, constant width channel into a diverging channel has been studied in the laboratory. The study was undertaken to provide information...

MILHY?A Microcomputer Based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model
MILHY is an interactive, single event, lumped parameter model used to estimate streamflows and water surface profiles. The model was designed for use on basins less than approximately...

Initial Operation Model for the Central Arizona Project
A microcomputer program for operating uncompleted portions of the Central Arizona Project has been developed. Engineers may use this program daily to assist in scheduling pumping plant...

Random Vibration Techniques
The paper presents a review of random vibration techniques for analyzing dynamic systems from the perspective of applicability to structural engineering. Problems involving linear or nonlinear,...

A Damage Function Using Structural Response Measurements
A new damage function is proposed that expresses seismic damage in terms of the range and number of cycles of plastic deflection experienced by a structure. This and other damage functions...

Evaluation of Structures by Dynamic Load Testing
The Frequency Sweep Method for the evaluation of structures by dynamic load testing was developed by the senior author. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that was originally...

Damage Model for Buildings Subjected to Earthquakes
A model based on random vibration method is developed for assessing building damage to earthquakes. The damage of reinforced concrete structures is expressed as a linear combination of...

Loads Due to Human Movements
The live loads due to human actions are random functions being modeled from data obtained from tests to determine load histories for the actions of individuals and small groups of people...

Bridge Inspection by Dynamic Loading Technique
This paper describes, a case study of the evaluation of the structural integrity of a New York State Thruway bridge using the dynamic loading technique. The study was undertaken in a effort...

Computer-Aided Studies of Complex Soil Moduli
Low-cost microcomputers and new electronic components make it possible to measure accurately the phase and amplitude of mechanical waves in the frequency domain at a small fraction of...

Seismic Analysis of Horse Creek Dam, Hudson, Colorado
On April 8, 1981, six days after a Richter magnitude 4. 0 earthquake, inspectors from the Colorado State Engineer's Office discovered a small crack in outboard side of Horse...

Relationships between Shear Wave Velocity and Depth of Overburden
Relationships between in-situ shear wave velocity and depth of overburden have been derived for various Quaternary age soils encountered primarily in Southern California. The geotechnical...





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