Staggered Truss Adapted to High Rise
The 34-floor Nashville Convention Center Hotel required a structural system that would overcome the tendency to vibrate in the wind. The solution was a modified staggered frame truss,...

Building in Space
Work on the nation's first permanently manned space station has begun. Almost $200 million in contracts for conceptual design for the station were awarded by the National...

Microcomputers in Domestic Water System Evaluation
Water system hydraulic network analysis can be accomplished rapidly and accurately using microcomputer systems affordable by engineering firms and staffs of major water utilities. Simulations...

Vertical Transport of Fine-Grained Sediments in Suspensions
Numerical-model sensitivity studies were made to determine the effect of bed flux on the vertical distribution of fine-grained material suspended in turbulent flow. The transport equation...

Real-Time Monitoring and Flood Forecasting in Harris County, Texas
A new automated flood warning system is now serving the 2,700,000 residents of Houston, Harris County, Texas. Real-time rainfall and river level data from more than 90 sensors are automatically...

Application of Geographic Information System for Hydrologic Investigation
The Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources is developing a geographic information system (GIS) under the federally funded Lands Unsuitable for Mining Program (LUMP). This...

Using Remotely Sensed Data to Estimate Runoff
The paper reports on a study to conduct numerical experiments to simulate runoff from watersheds by using remotely sensed data and hydrologic models. Data from the Sugar Creek Watershed...

Interfacing Groundwater Data Collection with Microcomputers
Advances in microcomputer based instrumentation have provided new techniques by which groundwater data may be collected and analyzed. The authors have used microcomputer based systems...

Data Base Development and Analysis for Water Distribution Systems
There have been a number of studies estimating the costs of repairing, replacing, or renovating aging distribution networks. Although useful in general terms, characterizing a system by...

Reliability Analysis of Water System Capacity
The paper presents, by means of an application, a few promising analytical methods for estimating bulk water system capacity reliability. In particular, this paper examines the applicability...

Reliability Evaluation of Water Distribution System Components
Reliability engineering concepts are substantially developed and have been routinely and successfully applied to the evaluation of electrical and mechanical components. However, these...

Evaluation of Water Distribution Network Reliability
This paper briefly describes six techniques developed for evaluating reliability of systems with complex configuration. Also, a brief comment about the computational aspects and applicability...

Application of Interactive Computer Simulation to Water Resources Problems in Civil Engineering Education
The major educational advantage of interactive simulation is expedient demonstration of system management and control procedures and interrelationships among system variables. An 8 year...

The Microcomputer as an Intelligent Workstation in Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the hydrologic modeling activities of the Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), a cooperative project between MSHA, the Federal Highway...

Dual Drainage System Balancing Design Using Microcomputer Simulation
This paper describes the development and application of microcomputer software titled INTERHYD for design of a dual urban drainage system in Portland, Maine. The design problem consisted...

A Micro-Computer Simulation Model Based on South African Hydrology
This paper presents the development of a micro-computer compatible hydrological simulation model wherein an attempt has been made to satisfy some of the modelling needs in South Africa....

Reactive Transport of Suspended Particles
Monte Carlo simulation of the total probability density function for each constituent easily handles non-linear reactions and has a cost that increases only linearly with the number of...

LANDSAT and Micro-GIS for Watershed Modeling
A microcomputer-based Geographic Information System (GIS) incorporating LANDSAT or other remotely sensed digital data greatly reduces the cost of watershed modeling. The computation of...

Input/Output Schemes for Microconverted Engineering Application Programs
When converting mainframe programs for microcomputer use, different input/output schemes are implemented depending on the type and volume of program data and ultimate use of the program....

Modeling Aquifer Sensitivity and Leachate Controls
This paper investigates the transport of waste leachate from a leaky containment facility using the computer model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water developed...





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