Cumulative Impacts Analysis on a Midwest Fluvial System
The US Army Corps of Engineers recently completed an analysis of the cumulative impacts of erosion control structures on the Platte River in Nebraska. This was done in response to concerns...

Hydraulic Geometry of Mississippi Hill Streams
Hydraulic geometry data based on field and office studies are presented for a series of streams in the Black Creek and Long Creek watersheds in the upland hills of Central and Northern...

Sediment Yield and Accumulation in the Cache River
Sediment data collected in the Cache River basin of southern Illinois were used to calculate the sediment yield from tributary streams draining into a significant wetland area. Sediment...

Geomorphic and Sedimentologic Evaluation of a Proposed Flood Control Project, Truckee River, Reno, Nevada
Geomorphic observations, sediment data and shear stress analyses were integrated to evaluate the potential responses of the steep, coarse grained Truckee River to a proposed flood control...

Evaluation of Streambank Erosion Control Demonstration Projects
The Streambank Erosion Control Evaluation and Demonstration (SECED) Act of 1974 (Section 32 of Public Law 93-251) was enacted by Congress to obtain information on costs and performance...

Waves Generated by Recreational Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Vessels of all sizes, from canoes to 15-barge tows, share the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), and every vessel interacts with the river by means of its displacement, propulsion,...

Studies on the Physical Effects of Commercial Navigation Traffic in the Upper Mississippi River
Changes in water velocity caused by passage of commercial navigation vessels were measured 180-500 ft (55-152 m) from shore at River Mile (RM) 504.8 in Pool 14 of the upper Mississippi...

Longitudinal Channel Response Due to In-Stream Mining
This paper describes the analysis procedure developed for the Arizona Department of Transportation for the estimation of short-term longitudinal channel response due to in-stream mining....

Hydraulic and Scour Analysis for Muitiple Crossings of the Salt River, Phoenix, Arizona
Two new freeway systems currently being designed for the Phoenix metropolitan area, the East Papago Freeway and the Outer Loop Highway, will both cross the Salt River within a one mile...

Corps of Engineers Sediment Management Program
The existing sediment management program includes sediment investigations of reservoir, river and levee projects; gathering and maintaining sediment load records; providing sediment investigation...

Discussion of a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
A time-varying three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays has been developed to address the impact of deepening the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D)...

Momentum and Kinetic Energy Coefficient Research?Ramp Flumes
In October 1984. Reclamation Hydraulic Branch staff members investigated the operation of the A-Canal ramp at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The ramp flume was completed in 1983 as a water measurement...

Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Retention Devices, and Aquatic Habitat in Sand-Bed Channels
Streams and rivers of all sizes and in all parts of the United States flow on sand-bed channels. Scour, Transport, and deposition of sediments particles are natural processes in these...

Sacramento's Proactive Stormwater Permit Program
In January 1990, with the encouragement and assistance of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region (Regional Board), the City and County of Sacramento,...

Three-Dimensional Model of a Stratified Estuary?St. Andrew Bay System, Florida
A three-dimensional modal is applied to a northwest Florida estuary to provide the initial insights into the circulation and flushing patterns of the system. The model, developed by the...

Effects of Turbulence on Price AA Meter Rotors
Field and laboratory studies were conducted during 1988 and 1989 by the U.S. Geological survey to determine the effect of turbulence on the performance of price AA meter rotors. Two different...

Model Study of the Guadalupe River Bypass Culvert
A hydraulic model investigation of proposed channel improvements for the Guadalupe River Channel was conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi....

Lower Granite Fish Guidance Efficiency System Model Study?Snake River, Washington
With the annual migration of adult salmon up the Columbia and Snake Rivers and the migration of their offspring (juvenile salmon) downstream to the ocean, new problems have developed with...

An Update on the U.S. DOE Ocean Energy Program
This paper summarizes recent research accomplishments of the program and provides a synopsis of planned activities leading to a Net Power-Producing Experiment (NPPE), to be conducted at...

Review of Garolim Tidal Power Project
The feasibility study of Garolim tidal power project made in 1981 was reviewed in 1986 and updated in 1988. The review study generally confirmed the result of the 1981 study. The generator...





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