Scale Effects in Cone Penetration Tests
A field testing program was undertaken to examine the existence of scale effects between a miniature 1.27 cm2 and 15 cm2...

Plate Load and Pressuremeter Testing in Saprolite
On the island of Oahu, Hawaii, an exploratory tunnel for the Interstate Route H-3 highway was completed in December 1989. The purpose of the exploratory tunnel was two-fold; first to locate...

Hypermedia and its Application to Geotechnical Databases
The concept of hypermedia has the potential for greatly enhancing existing database management software. In the present paper the concept of hypermedia is briefly described, the nature...

Geotechnical Database Management Systems for Boston's Central Artery/Harbor Tunnel Project
This paper presents a geotechnical computer application currently in use on Boston's Central Artery/Harbor Tunnel (CA/T) Project. The application is designed to manage subsurface...

Relational Database Design and Technology
Logical and physical design of a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is presented with a simple geotechnical database example. Fundamental relational database design principles...

Automated Performance Monitoring of U.S. Dams
The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of a comprehensive report prepared by USCOLD on General Guidelines and Current U.S. Practice in Automated Performance Monitoring of Dams....

Recent Developments in Hardware and Data Processing for Telemonitoring Various Structures
Some of the latest automated centralized monitoring systems being used by civil engineers in France shall be reviewed, along with details of the benefits from this approach and some of...

Field Instrumentation Program Vital to Deep Excavation Project
An extensive field instrumentation, monitoring and evaluation program was implemented for a seven-level deep excavation project in Boston. Using the observational approach, the information...

Pressuremeter Stress Relaxation Testing in a Permafrost Tunnel
In the spring of 1988, a geotechnical testing program was carried out in the U.S. Army CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, located at Fox, near Fairbanks, Alaska. In all, some thirty cone penetrometer...

Expert System for Driven Pile Selection
Selection of driven piles for deep foundations is a complex process. Many subjective factors enter into the decision of which pile to select, making experience an important factor in proper...

Knowledge-Assisted Interactive Probabilistic Site Characterization
This paper describes a prototype knowledge-based expert system for probabilistic geological anomaly characterization and geotechnical system reliability evaluation. The system assists...

An Expert System for Estimating Soil Strength Parameters
An expert system to aid in selecting shear-strength parameters for use in stability analysis was developed for use on a PC. It provides guidance in interpreting strength measurements and...

Soil-Cement Mixed Wall Technique
This paper introduces the soil-cement mixed wall technique and its applications for the installation of cutoff walls, excavation support walls and soil-crete columns for soil stabilization....

Up and Down Construction of a 17-Story Building
The One Westwood Building is located on a small site in the Westwood district of Los Angeles. Construction of the 17-story building with 8 levels of subterranean parking was complicated...

Jet Grouting?Uses for Soil Improvement
The frequency of use of any engineering technique depends mainly on the technical feasibility and economics of the system. In geotechnical engineering, the more problems a construction...

An Expert System for Preliminary Ground Improvement Selection
Ground Improvement is an area which has rapidly advanced in the past two decades. Most of the work has resulted from experience in field work. Thus experience has played a vital role in...

An Expert System for Civil Engineering Applications
Civil engineering is a field where experimental knowledge has no substitute. Making experts' knowledge explicit and documenting and transferring it can have a great impact...

Evaluation of Geotechnical Design Parameters by Expert System Techniques
This study refers to application of an artificial intelligence technique to evaluate geotechnical design parameters in the soil design definition. This complex evaluation is incorporeted...

Geotechnical Engineering Design in the Age of the Modern Computer
Because geotechnical engineering requires that the materials and their configuration be investigated for each new project, the profession has always placed great emphasis on judgment....

Computer Applications in the UCB Geotechnical Laboratories
The use of personal computers has become an indivisible part of the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) geotechnical testing laboratories. The University has been on the forefront...





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