State-of-the-Art Design of Databases for Water Related Data
This paper presents an overview of techniques for design and application of databases to water related data. The intent is to introduce new concepts to the practicing engineer who has...

Development of a State Information Clearinghouse
The University of Virginia is conducting a study on the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Water Resources Information System (VWRIS). Objectives of the study are: 1) Documenting...

Real-Time Control of Water Resource Systems
Successes in industry and manufacturing and preliminary experiences in the water resources field have documented the productivity and performance benefits obtainable with application of...

Real Time Control of Combined Sewers
After an introduction on the scope of urban drainage and water pollution control problems static solution approaches are shortly described and their disadvantages are lined out. The potential...

Yakima Supervisory Real-Time Monitoring and Control System
The Yakima Remote Control System is a case study application of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) concepts for the operation and monitoring of a large water resources project....

Implementation of a Micro-CADD System
Computer-aided-design-and-drafting (CADD) systems utilize computer technology to aid the engineer in his work. CADD systems are designed to process graphics with speed and accuracy to...

Computer Conferencing for Managers
The authors describe a computer conferencing/message system called Confer II currently being utilized by the US Army which they have implemented among dredging managers in the US Army...

State-of-the-Art Pipe Network Optimization
Within the next decade water distribution system optimization models should become everyday tools of practicing engineers. This paper examines existing models and discusses some of the...

Optimization of Looped Water Distribution Networks
The optimization algorithm developed by G. Quindry et al. can be used to obtain a least cost pipe network for a looped water distribution system. A solution is obtained under steady state...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Water Distribution Design with Multiple Demands
An iterative procedure for the layout and design of new looped water distribution systems is pesented. The procedure is also applicable to the expansion of existing systems. The approach...

A Review of Artificial Intelligence
This paper presents a brief history and overview of the field of artificial intelligence (AI), describes the architecture of an expert system, and discusses the logic procedures used in...

Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Processes
This paper presents an approach to the development of an expert system for aiding the operation of an activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The expert system incorporates a diagnostic...

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

Data Base Management Principles
The rapid growth of computing power available in desktop micro and mini computers has placed at the disposal of individual scientists and engineers a very powerful set of tools designed...

Managing a Water Control Database
The management of a Water Control Database is important to the usability of the database. Three areas of importance in the management of a database are: 1. good management practices, 2....

Computerized Operation of California State Water Project
Hydraulic and electrical schedules for the California State Water Project are determined and dispatched from the Project Operation Control Center (POCC) in Sacramento. The dispatched schedules...

Modeling Water Resources Systems for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...

Practical Optimization of Looped Water Systems
This paper describes one tool that might be part of a package to assist a design engineer in sizing pipes, determining ideal locations for booster pumps and their heads, determining heads...

A Methodology for Optimal Network Design
A methodology is developed to optimize the design of water distribution networks using reduced gradient techniques with a network simulator. The problem is reduced in complexity by incorporating...





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