TRANSYT 7F Applications on a Microcomputer
This paper describes the results of work undertaken by Michigan State University Civil Engineering graduate students as part of two separate class projects. Significant support was provided...

Development of Micro Programs for the New HCM
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) is one of the most basic references in highway and traffic engineering. The first edition was published in 1950, in response to a need for consistent...

Low-Cost Accident Data Bases for Small Urban Areas
This paper describes the application of a microcomputer traffic accident data base system developed for Terre Haute, Indiana, a small (pop. 70,000) urbanized area in west central Indiana....

Downloading Accident Data for Local Agency Use
This project was funded by a grant from Van Buren County Road Commission in cooperation with the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning and the U. S. Department of Transportation,...

Microcomputer Application in Traffic Safety Needs Assessment
'MicroSafety' is software developed to identify accident problem locations and patterns. Alternative projects, costs and benefits are analyzed on common data...

Evaluation of Accident Countermeasure Viability
Traffic and safety engineers are faced with the on-going challenge of maintaining acceptable levels of safety on the roads and streets under their jurisdictions. Generally, this challenge...

Micro-Computer Rucus?A User's View
In 1973, Centro, a medium-sized transit company, contracted with the firm Ken Roberts & Associates (KRA) to implement a RUCUS package for the Syracuse area. The package was originally...

Microcomputer Route Performance Monitoring
A performance monitoring system, properly implemented, can significantly aid a transit system's ability to operate efficient and effective services. The Capital District Transportation...

Accounting System Installations
In a bus parts inventory, the interface which is important to automate is not the interface with the accounting system but the interface with the work order system. Therefore, parts inventory...

Customizing a Payroll System for New Orelans
When the RTA recently assumed responsibility for the New Orleans area transit system from a private operator, there was no RTA in-house computer capability. While the previous owner agreed...

Implementing a Maintenance Program in Wisconsin
A vehicle maintenance and parts inventory control microcomputer package was developed and implemented for thirteen small transit properties as a part of the Statewide Microcomputer Implementation...

Operating Considerations for Automated Maintenance
There are a number of potential problem areas which can severely hamper the successful implementation of a Maintenance Management Information System. These problem areas are identified...

On-Line Color Graphics for Demand-Responsive Scheduling
Scheduling and dispatching a fleet of vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for transportation to and from various points in an urban area can be a complex proposition. Human controllers...

Kern County Planning Department Microcomputer Based Census Data System
The development of the IBM PC microcomputer Census Data System used by Kern County Planning was started in July, 1984, and continues to be in the process of development. The system provides...

Subarea Transportation Planning on Micros
This paper describes the adaptation of the regionwide travel forecasting models developed for the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study (OUATS) for application at the subregion and subarea...

Regional Planning Models Used in Subarea Windows
The typical regional travel-forecasting model has historically been confined to use on a mainframe computer. In an effort to reduce costs and allow computer hardware options, a three-tiered...

Site Impact of New Developments
Traffic studies which relate to specific development projects and their impacts are becoming a major part of transportation planning practice. Rapid suburbanization of development has...

Innovative Applications of a Transportation Planning Package
The 'hands-on' capability afforded by micros is dramatically reducing the protracted study durations and high computing costs which characterized earlier transportation...

Long Range Element Update in Duluth, Minnesota
This paper discusses the use of microcomputer transportation planning software packages to update the Long Range Element of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Two...

Microcomputer Site Models for Project Analysis
In 1984, the Genesee Transportation Council, the MPO for the Rochester New York area, undertook a study with the City of Rochester Bureau Of Planning and Zoning to investigate how microcomputers...





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