Evapoconsolidation in Fine-grained Material
The increased difficulty of obtaining land needed for confined disposal of dredged material and phosphatic clays highlights the need to assess alternative disposal measures by accurately...

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

Computer Models for Dredged Material Disposal Planning
Short term and long term planning for the disposal of dredged material can be significantly enhanced using state-of-the-art computer modeling. Computerized mathematical models can be constructed...

The National Dredging Data Management System
The ADDAMS computer program is a collection of user-friendly computer models for planning, designing and managing confined disposal areas. Models which can be used to determine the size...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Case History: North Slope Alaska Hydraulic Dredging
Alaska's North Slope Borough, with the aid of dredging machinery consultant Michael Weston, and geotechnical consultant Rittenhouse-Zeman & Associates, has pioneered...

Linear Programs for Dredging Management Decisions
Recurrent economic concerns facing decision makers in the dredging industry are considered. Problems related to contract bidding, project planning and resource utilization are formulated...

Activity-Based Evaluation of Potential Bioaccumulation from Sediments
Sediment bioaccumulation potential evaluations can be improved by a two-level approach. Chemical analysis of sediment interpreted using phase-activity considerations in first-level evaluations...

Aquatic Bioassays in Dredged Material Management
Dredged material ranges from gravel and coarse sand to fine silts and clays, and may be free of contaminants or highly contaminated with a variety of chemicals from industrial, municipal,...

Numerical Model of Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 26
Replacement work was initiated in November 1979. The first stage cofferdam constricted about half of the river channel. As a result, the flow velocity at the constriction increased causing...

Reliability Analysis as Reflected from the Fourth International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics
Reliability analysis is perhaps one of the most practically important branches of the general field of stochastic hydraulics. Its potential applications include quantitative evaluation...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Stability of Method of Characteristics
For the analysis of waterhammer, the first-order accurate method of characteristics (MOC) has been widely used for which Courant condition for stability has been developed neglecting the...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Pipelines
General purpose computer software packages are being used more frequently in the hydraulic design of pipeline systems. The areas where the use of such packages are advantageous over earlier...

Numerical Modeling of Downstream Impacts Resulting from Hydropower Operations
Hydropower peaking operations often have downstream impacts that require an accurate assessment. A one-dimensional implicit finite difference numerical model has been used to accurately...

Evaluation of Two-Stage Outlet Hydraulics
A two-stage detention basin is an effective storm water management tool. This type of basin is designed to control two storm events and it will tend to perform better than a single-stage...

Reservoir System Management for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...

Mathematical Modeling of River Ice Process
Computer modeling of flow and ice conditions in a river is an important element in the planning of water resources project in northern regions. River ice processes are closely related...

Reservoir System Management for Hydropower
A study was undertaken to develop a comprehensive reservoir operation simulation model of the Cumberland River Basin, located in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Hydropower production...

Computer-Aided Preliminary Optimization Model for Low-Head Micro-Hydro Installations
It is demonstrated with applications, that the use of a computer-aided preliminary optimization model can help evaluate the overall technical and economic characteristics of low-head hydro...





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