CAD/CAM: Reverse Engineering Applications
The reproduction of parts for which drawings or CAD files are not available has always caused engineering effort to be expended in a non-routine manner. The need for such a reverse engineering...

Frame Based Expert Systems?The Clear Choice for CAPP Systems
This paper gives a brief overview of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems. We attempt to examine some of the representational problems specifically associated with production...

Safety in the Industrial Robot Environment
Safety requirements differ for applications with or without a human interface. The extent of human interface with the robot must be determined. Design of the robot, guarding, access, and...

Manufacturing Development Requires New Graduate-Level Education
Manufacturing engineering education varies widely with different countries. In some it is looked upon as a non-academic subject, while in others a large number of engineers are being trained...

Using a CAM System for Generating Potential Solutions in Machining Processes
This paper presents a software package which was designed to generate potential solutions for producing specific machine shapes as an application of a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)...

ROBOSIM: A Simulation Package for Robots
ROBOSIM was developed first in a VAX environment. Using PC's with a terminal program capable of emulating a TEKTRONIX 4014, students can create robots, see them graphically,...

Teaching Computer Numerical Control of Manufacturing Processes
A series of part programming problems assigned to the students are described. These assignments progressively expose the students to manual programming, computer assisted part programming...

The Implementation of Open System Computing for Centralized and Departmental Requirements in a University Environment
Brigham Young University, and the College of Engineering and Technology in particular, have implemented an open, shared resource computing environment allowing the interconnection of personal...

An Integrated Network Laboratory for Undergraduate Data Acquisition and Data Processing
The University of Wyoming College of Engineering has recently installed an integrated laboratory of 10 networked personal computers for undergraduate student use. These machines have been...

Adaptation of ANSI Standards for Communications Testing in the Connectionless Environment
American National Standards (X 3.102 and X 3.141) establish a uniform means for specifying, assessing and comparing performance of data communications systems and services from the point...

Local Area Network Communications Testing
This paper presents the philosophy developed for benchmark communications testing in networks typical of CAD/CAM environments. Implementation of the test philosophy in a connectionless...

Planning and Implementation of a Heterogeneous Tri-Campus Computer Network
In 1988, Fairleigh Dickinson University received a grant from the New Jersey Department of Higher Education for the establishment of a Tri-Campus Computer Network to link all it's...

Performance Testing of Wide Area Networks
Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) has developed a software measurement system to support the ANSI standards X3.102 and X3.141. This system is being used to evaluate data communication...

CAD and Video Teleconferencing Network Development
The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences is developing a prototype network to demonstrate the integration of a variety of services and methods for fulfilling Navy shipbuilding requirements....

Computer Networking Needs in Engineering Technology
This paper deals with the planning and implementation of a local area network at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in the new $13 million Engineering Technology and Applied Science...

POU/POE Water Treatment: Regulatory Challenge
During the past few years the use of point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry POE) water treatment devices has grown dramatically. One attendant consequence has been the proliferation of...

Use of POE/POU Technology at US Army Installations
A wide spectrum of adverse water quality characteristics has been experienced at US Army installations throughout the country. These characteristics, both interim and long-term in nature,...

Point-of-Entry/Point-of-Use Water Treatment-? Where Do We Go From Here?
The development and marketing of point-of-entry-entry/point-of-use (POE/POU) devices has become a multi-million dollar business, and is projected to become even larger with the annual...

Expert Systems for Assessment of Radon Gas
This paper covers a brief discussion of enviro-geotechnical aspects of radioactive toxic radon gas. Basic information required for assessment and controlling this gas is summarized and...

Conducting a Waterline Corrosion Evaluation
A study has been conducted to determine the level of corrosion activity occuring on the U.S. Navy's potable waterlines on Guam. The study evaluated soil parameters including...





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