Drought-related West Tennessee Channel Bank Failures
Massive bank failures occurred in 1988 along a 14-kilometer reach of the lower Obion River channel in Dyer County, West Tennessee where the river flows through an abandoned Mississippi...

Fluvial Recharge of Sand Mining Pit
Accuracy in modeling fluvial processes becomes increasingly important as development occurs along waterways. The FLUVIAL-12 (1, 2) model is used to simulate the recharge of sand mining...

Development of Crop Coefficients Using Lysimeters
A long term record of evapotranspiration by grass as measured with the large weighing lysimeter at the University of California at Davis provided an excellent background for the initiation...

Automation of a Truck-Mounted Drill Rig
Truck-mounted drill rigs used for soils properties investigation, foundation evaluation, ore exploration, and producing monitor and water wells typically require, because of their weight,...

The Changing Face of Construction Management?Staffing up for a Major Program
The East Bay Municipal Utility District's (District) Wastewater Department annual construction program grew from $2.4 million in 1986 to $60 million in 1991. The District...

Environmental Engineering
This proceedings, Environmental Engineering, of the 1991 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering held in Reno, Nevada on July 10-12,...

The Debate Over Large Dams
Dam megaprojects across the globe are under increasing scrutiny. Critics say large dams have clearly lost their luster. While the outcry over huge public subsidies and high ecological...

Water, Water, Where?
Water�who gets it, where it comes from, who pays for it�has always been a central issue in California. Rapidly increasing demand, fierce environmental opposition to new sources and a drought...

Burying By the Bale
The Gallatin National Landfill, now under construction in central Illinois, incorporates multiple safeguards to isolate refuse from surrounding water and soil with an inward gradient design....

Nutrified Sludge
A new biological treatment process, Nutrification, enables a wastewater treatment plant to remove phosphorus from influent water at an operating and maintenance cost 35% less than that...

Landfill Park: From Eyesore to Asset
By reclaiming a 50 acre landfill as a recreational area, Cambridge, Mass. increased its open space by 20%. The park includes three softball and three soccer fields, one multisport field,...

Air-Water Transfer: The Role of Partitioning
A review is presented of the role of air-water equilibrium in determining the direction and rate of transfer of chemicals between water bodies and the atmosphere. Because this diffusive...

Formation of Droplets from Bursting Bubbles at an Air-Water Interface
The breakup of an air bubble at a still water surface leads to the formation of two distinct droplet families known respectively as film drops and jet drops. The former are the tiny fragments...

The Effect of Surface Films on Concentration Fluctuations Close to a Gas/Liquid Interface
Modeling of gas/liquid mass transport requires knowledge concerning the behavior of near-surface concentration fluctuations at clean and film-covered gas/liquid interfaces. Previous measurements...

Regional Estimates of Gas Transfer Using an Airborne System
The aircraft-based eddy correlation technique was recently used to obtain regional observations of transfer processes of sensible and latent heat as well as carbon dioxide over wetlands...

Tracer Gas Transfer Technique for Shallow Bays
Developmental field tests using propane and Rhodamine WT tracers were conducted to adapt the tracer gas method for use in shallow bays. A special injection box was built to prevent mixing...

From Mean Fluxes to a Detailed Experimental Investigation of the Gas Transfer Process
Three new experimental techniques are discussed which allow a much more detailed investigation of the gas transfer process than any previous techniques. Using heat as a proxy tracer for...

Methane Tracer Technique for Gas Transfer at Hydraulic Structures
Using a simple headspace gas chromatographic technique, gas transfer at several hydraulic structures were investigated. Naturally occurring methane was used as a tracer gas to measure...

Gas Transfer Velocities and Radar Backscatter from the Water Surface
Gas transfer velocities of sulfur hexafluoride, methane, and nitrous oxide were determined in two different wind-wave tanks and related to friction velocity and radar backscatter from...

A Gas Chromatographic Protocol for the Measurement of Krypton Gas in Water
This paper presents the results of a study to investigate the feasibility of using a gas chromatographic (GC) technique for the measurement of non-radioactive krypton gas concentrations...





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