Microcomputers and Transportation: A Look Forward
Technical development in the microcomputer industry continues to accelerate. In the next few years changes in hardware and software will occur which will be at least as dramatic as those...

Bus Maintenance Cost Control
Effective bus maintenance programs are essential for the cost-effective provision of reliable transit service. Standard tools for maintenance management include preventative maintenance...

Improved Urban Traffic Flow Through Signal Re-timing?California Experience
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has initiated a new program to re-time all of the 20,000 interconnected traffic signals in the state, the first of its kind in the United States....

The Electronic Road Pricing System in Hong Kong
This paper addresses the traffic congestion problem and issues relating to the experiment of the world's first pilot scheme on Electronic Road Pricing System in Hong Kong....

Maintaining Our Goals
Setting goals is easier than achieving them and, once achieved, they must not be viewed as final accomplishments to put behind us - they must be sustained. Although goals are essentially...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

An Infrastructure-Based Strategy for Guiding Reconstruction, Development and Reconciliation in Lebanon
In 1979 an agreement was entered into between the CDR, U. S. A. I. D. , and the American University of Beirut (AUB) whereby an interdisciplinary team of AUB researchers would develop a...

Learning From Failure
Innovative engineering design involves assumptions about the future use and behavior of a structure. By understanding and learning from the infrequent but spectacular large failures, engineers...

Frame Moments with the Takabeya Method
The Takabeya method of frame analysis, based on the same slope-deflection equations as the Hardy-Cross system, has the advantage of requiring much less memory and fewer computations than...

Porewater Pressure in Clays Below Caisson Islands
Unfrozen lightly overconsolidated clays are a significant factor in the design and performance of exploration caisson retained islands in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. At two sites (Tarsiut...

The Estimation of Ice Loads From Caisson Deformations Gulf Canada Molikpaq
The Gulf Canada Resources Mobile Arctic Caisson 'Molikpaq' is a bottom founded steel exploration platform capable of year-round operation in the Beaufort Sea....

Dynamic Global Forces on an Offshore Structure from Multi-Year Ice Floe Impacts
Estimation of global ice forces from ice floe impact against artificial islands and offshore platforms is essential for platform design. The discrete element program, CICE, has been validated...

Ice Floe Impact Force on Vertical Sided Structures
A solution is described that does not assume a contact pressure-area curve or ice crushing strength. The impact force is related to Korzhavin's ice crushing equation by simple...

Ice Forces Due to Impact Loading on a Sloping Structure
Two approximate methods are presented for determining Dynamic Magnification Factors due to floe impact on sloping structures. Some of the physical processes involved are treated simplistically,...

Ice-Structure Interaction of an Offshore Platform
Realistic estimation of the effects of ice floe impact is desirable for the design of certain sub-arctic offshore structures. The results of a preliminary study on dynamic ice-structure...

Ice Loads on Structures With Compound Slopes
Many of the offshore drilling structures proposed for use in the Arctic have sides with multiple slopes. Sloping walls are used at the waterline to cause the ice sheet to fail in bending...

Probabilistic Description of Ice Forces on an Offshore Arctic Structure
A probabilistic simulation model has been developed to describe the frequency and outcome of multi-year ice floe encounters with a fixed offshore structure located in the Beaufort Sea,...

Spatial Analysis of Ice Charts
Spatial approaches to ice environment modeling can not only lead to better local hazard predictions but also produce regionalizations that are useful for construction, navigation, and...

Utilizing Design Events Within Risk-Based Design
Design load selection based on the return period of an environmental event is not possible when the event is described by more than one parameter. Risk analysis can be used to associate...

Probabilistic Approaches to Arctic Offshore Engineering
The arctic offshore environment poses challenges in design, site construction, and operation that range from the problems associated with large ice forces, to those of short open-water...





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