Momentum and Kinetic Energy Coefficient Research?Ramp Flumes
In October 1984. Reclamation Hydraulic Branch staff members investigated the operation of the A-Canal ramp at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The ramp flume was completed in 1983 as a water measurement...

Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Retention Devices, and Aquatic Habitat in Sand-Bed Channels
Streams and rivers of all sizes and in all parts of the United States flow on sand-bed channels. Scour, Transport, and deposition of sediments particles are natural processes in these...

Sacramento's Proactive Stormwater Permit Program
In January 1990, with the encouragement and assistance of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region (Regional Board), the City and County of Sacramento,...

Three-Dimensional Model of a Stratified Estuary?St. Andrew Bay System, Florida
A three-dimensional modal is applied to a northwest Florida estuary to provide the initial insights into the circulation and flushing patterns of the system. The model, developed by the...

Effects of Turbulence on Price AA Meter Rotors
Field and laboratory studies were conducted during 1988 and 1989 by the U.S. Geological survey to determine the effect of turbulence on the performance of price AA meter rotors. Two different...

Model Study of the Guadalupe River Bypass Culvert
A hydraulic model investigation of proposed channel improvements for the Guadalupe River Channel was conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi....

Lower Granite Fish Guidance Efficiency System Model Study?Snake River, Washington
With the annual migration of adult salmon up the Columbia and Snake Rivers and the migration of their offspring (juvenile salmon) downstream to the ocean, new problems have developed with...

An Update on the U.S. DOE Ocean Energy Program
This paper summarizes recent research accomplishments of the program and provides a synopsis of planned activities leading to a Net Power-Producing Experiment (NPPE), to be conducted at...

Review of Garolim Tidal Power Project
The feasibility study of Garolim tidal power project made in 1981 was reviewed in 1986 and updated in 1988. The review study generally confirmed the result of the 1981 study. The generator...

Estimation of Wave Power as an Energy Resource for Hawaii
One of the most important elements in determining the wave power available by means of a wave power extracting device is the amount of wave energy present at a given location during a...

A 250 KW Closed Cycle Land Based Ocean Thermal Energy Plant
The paper describes the design of a 250 KW land based closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Plant suitable for installing at Keahole Point in Hawaii. The work is being done for ALCAN International....

Experimental Investigation of Condensation of Steam in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases for Open-Cycle Surface Condensers
Two experimental investigations are being carried out for determination of the effects of noncondensable gases on the rate of condensation in the open-cycle surface condenser. A single-channel...

U.S. Construction Aggregates
Crushed stone and sand and gravel are the two main sources of natural construction aggregates in the United States as well as in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, the production...

The Future of Steel Structures
The future availability of steel as a construction material is covered in this paper. The advances in the material, design fabrication and erection are discussed. The quality and quantity...

Asphalt Age Hardening?Trends and Predictions
Pavement cracking is substantially related to the consistency of asphalt cement binders. The variation in hardness of binders is related primarily to asphalt characteristics, environment...

Long-Term Performance Reliability of Wood Materials
The United States faces a major task in maintaining and rebuilding the nation's infrastructure in the 1990's and beyond. Economic constraints have limited funds...

Field Installation of Strain Gaged Geotextiles
High-strength polyester geotextiles were used in two major Corps of Engineers projects: Wilmington Harbor, Del. and New Bedford, Mass. To verify design assumptions and as part of monitoring...

Design of a Lined Landfill on Compressible Clays
In mid-August, 1989, a 500,000m3 landslide occurred at a commercially operated landfill in central Maine. The landslide material consisted of municipal...

U.S. Coast Guard Experience with Commercial FRP Vessels with Respect to Structural Reliability
The U.S. Coast Guard currently inspects over 1000 fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) vessels used in commercial passenger service. The designs include monohulls, catamarans, hydrofoils and...

70 Year Performance Record for High Strength Structural Lightweight Concrete
The paper briefly discusses the first ship built using expanded aggregates manufactured in a rotary kiln the USS Selma. It then goes on to discuss achieving high strength concrete with...





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