A Branched Mass Transport Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
A new branched mass (salt) transport model is used to simulate salt transport in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. The model uses a two-step procedure to determine the salt...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Stable Channel Analytical Design Method
The Flood-Control Channels Research Program is being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to develop systematic methods for design of stable channels for small...

Guidance on the Selection and Use of Sediment Discharge Formulas
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the sediment function module of the computer program SAM. SAM is being developed as a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels...

Design and Construction of Soil-Cement Drop Structures
Soil-cement has been used as an effective and economical slope protection material for embankment dams and stream banks. This paper describes the use of soil-cement in the construction...

Bed Sediments and Bed Forms of the Lower Mississippi River
Approximately 500 bed material samples were collected from the thalweg of the Lower Mississippi River. At each sample location, a sonic record of the bed was obtained. From the appearance...

Modification to John H. Overton Lock and Dam
The Red River Waterway Project, Mississippi River to Shreveport, Louisiana, will consist of a navigation channel 9 feet (2.7m) deep by 200 feet (61.0m) wide, 5 locks and dams providing...

Evaluation of the ARS Low Drop Grade Control Structure
The ARS low drop grade control structure was developed by Little and Murphy to provide efficient energy dissipation and effective grade control for streams in northern Mississippi. The...

Guard Gate Tests at Tieton Dam
The emergency gate hoist system on the guard gates at Tieton Dam, near Yakima, Washington, was tested as part of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams...

Innovative Spillway Design
The Lake Alan Henry Dam, near Lubbock, Texas, will consist of an earth filled embankment, a service spillway and an emergency spillway. The service spillway is designed to handle flows...

The Sediment Weighted Histogram Generator and Estimation of Sediment Transport Trends
Long term sediment transport trends may be evaluated using a sediment histogram generator program that was written for microcomputers. Flows can be extracted directly from a compact disc...

Operational Model Development for Salinity Control
The 800 km2 Breton Sound estuary and watershed in Louisiana is being modeled to characterize its salinity regime in terms of hydrometeorological...

Kinematic Wave Based Hydrologic Models with Different Solution Methods
The hydrologic simulation models RUNOFF and HEC-1 are applied to a 3212-ha watershed in New Jersey, and performances of the two models in predicting historical stromwater hydrographs from...

Integration of GIS, Remote Sensing, and Digital Elevation Data for a Hydrologic Model
The Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS), which was developed by Agricultural Research Service, was used as a test model for assessing nonpoint source pollution. The model...

On the Problem of Sediment Deposition in Large Reservoirs
Sediment deposition and its accumulation in a large reservoir depends on the inflow and reservoir storage content, respectively. This fact is used to model the cumulative deposition of...

Municipal Stormwater Management Ordinance Development and Implementation in Pennsylvania
This paper discusses the critical planning and engineering components of a sound stormwater management ordinance and how they can be shaped to avoid commonly encountered basin-wide implementation...

Urban Soft Bottom Low Flow Channel?A New Approach
In 1987, the City of Boulder, Colorado requested assistance from the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (District) to repair an all too familiar problem of cattails growing in the...

Hermite-Galerkin Model for Dam-Break Floods
A model based on the finite element method using cubic Hermite basis functions and Galerkin weighting was formulated to solve the partial differential equations that govern unsteady one-dimensional...

Physical Forces Generated by Barge-Tow Traffic Within a Navigable Waterway
Movement of navigation traffic such as barge tows within a restricted inland waterway such as the Illinois, Mississippi, or Ohio Rivers can and will alter the flow field in and around...

Data Acquisition for Determining the Physical Impacts of Navigation
Research is being conducted to determine the physical effects of navigation on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Extensive field data on various aspects of physical effects of...





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