Evaluation and Surveillance of Concrete Bridge Structures
A number of cost-effective techniques are available for evaluation and surveillance of concrete bridge structures. The methods covered in this paper include: long-term bridge instrumentation,...

Furrow Modeling with Variable Hydraulic Characteristics
A zero inertia furrow irrigation model was developed to run on an IBM-compatible micro-computer. The depth gradient term of the momentum equation is approximated by averaging over the...

A Water Quality Model for Urbanized Drainage Basins
The Virginia Stormwater (VAST) Model has been developed for use on IBM compatible microcomputers to simulate stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution. Hydrologic and nonpoint source...

On the Choice Between Annual Flood Series and Peaks Over Threshold Series in Flood Frequency Analysis
Statistical techniques are often used to estimate extreme flood events for the design of a flood-control structure or for any other flood-related purpose. Two kinds of models are commonly...

A Versatile Methodology for Flood Frequency Analysis
Many observed annual flood series exhibit reverse curvatures when plotted on lognormal probability paper. The occurrence of these curvatures may be attributed to storm and basin factors....

Confidence Intervals for Flood Control Design
The line drawn and labeled as the flood frequency curve is seldom identified as to what confidence is associated to the plot. For example while flood control designs are typically based...

Denver Area Real Time System
This paper presents a discussion of the development of the Denver Area Real Time System which will be used to regulate the Denver reservoir system on a real-time basis. Its main components...

Effect of Length of Precipitation Record on Recharge Estimates
The effect of the length of precipitation record on groundwater recharge estimates is examined using data from eleven precipitation gages located on the Nevada Test Site. It is concluded...

Well Field Management Designed to Miminize Impact on Surface-Water Flow
Restrictions placed on the operation of a well field used for public water supply initiated an investigation to develop management techniques that would maximize utilization of the well...

Overview--Committee Report on Dam Safety Guidelines
In November 1984 the Surface Water Hydrology Committee appointed a task committee with the assignment to suggest standards for the hydrologic safety design of dams. The committee report...

Criteria for Spillway Design Floods
The procedures outlined in this paper only address the hydrologic safety criteria for spillway design floods. The recommended procedures are based on a careful identification of the social,...

Indemnification Costs in the Dam Safety Decision
The ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods has proposed safety criteria for three categories of dams. Category 1 dams are those with anticipated failure consequences so large and...

The GEV Distribution in Drought Frequency Analysis
Three decades have passed since A. F. Jenkinson found the general solution to the Stability Postulate, which is the condition that all the extremes must meet, and after him that solution...

Deriving Streamflow Distribution Probabilities
Streamflow distribution probabilities are often involved in the stochastic analysis of water resources systems. Limited by data availability, certain probability terms can hardly be abstracted...

Utility Programs for DWOPER and DAMBRK
Time and computer resources greatly limit potential investigations and sensitivity anslyses. In order to facilitate modeling with the National Weather Service (NWS) programs DWOPER (Operational...

Analysis of Drought Indicators
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources currently monitors five parameters in its regional water supply management program. These are: (1) accumulated precipitation deficit;...

Drought Analysis in the Ohio River Basin
This study formulates the drought series, including drought occurrence time, duration, and deficit volume by the use of daily streamflows and a tracer level of one-half mean value. The...

Changing Hydrology - The Middle Mississippi River
Observed daily flow and stage at major stream gages on the middle Mississippi River are numerically and graphically analyzed to quantify and illustrate the magnitude and seasonality of...

Criteria for Selecting a Reservoir Routing Method
Results of an investigation comparing dynamic and storage reservoir routing applied in dam safety analyses are presented. Outflow hydrographs computed by these reservoir routing methods...

Verifications and Applications of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Model
To meet the needs of the Illinois Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (CM&E) project of the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP), the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model...





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