Sediment Transport and Aquatic Habitat in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Gravel-bed rivers experience dymanic conditions of flow and sediment transport. Long periods of bed stability are interrupted by shorter periods of bed mobility when major changes and...

River Engineering and Environmental Resources
The federal government and the Corps of Engineers (CE) are committed to preserving and enhancing environmental quality. Research and development support for this commitment in the realm...

Chute Design Using Concrete Building Blocks
Chutes constructed using concrete building blocks for erosion control on ephemeral streams have performed successfully. The chutes consist of a layer of blocks placed on a geotextile over...

Modelling of Stages of Nile River as a Tool for a Better Water Resources Management
As far as Egypt is concerned, the Nile is not just a river, it is rather the pulsing nerve of life. Consequently, it was essential to maintain detailed information about its levels and...

Overview of Mathematical Models?River Nile/High Aswan Dam
This paper has been directed towards the presentation of seven reliable planning tools (mathematical models) that can be used for the investigation of the planning options facing policy...

Diversion Closure Gate Schemes Used on B.C. Hydro Dams
Over the last 25 years B.C. Hydro has designed, built and has operated a number of large dams and continues to do so. This paper describes the design, erection and operating experiences...

Next-Generation Local Scale Hydromet Forecasting System
Research and development work is being conducted for the National Weather Service on a new-generation flash flood monitoring and forecasting computer workstation. The workstation represents...

Hydrologic Aspects of Flood Warning?Preparedness Programs
A reliable flood-threat recognition system is a vital component of a sound flood warning-preparedness program. Fundamental questions associated with the development of a flood-threat recognition...

Dispersion of Tracers Along the Coast of Singapore
The primary objective of the present study is to model numerically the dispersion of a cloud of fine radioactive tracers along the east coast of Singapore. The results of a hydrodynamic...

An Acoustic Doppler Discharge-Measurement System
A discharge-measurement system that uses a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler has been developed and tested by the U.S. Geological Survey. Discharge measurements using the...

Modeling Not By the Numbers
A model is likely to be the tool for making predictions of the ecological impact of an engineering decision. However, ecologists often find it difficult under pressures of time and lack...

The Stacked Drift Tunnel
The Mount Baker Ridge Tunnel is the first of its kind and the last: a forward thrust of technology and a look back to the flow of federal highway funds, which paid 90% of its cost. The...

Closing The Floodgates
The White Rock Creek basin in Dallas and Collin Counties, is one of Texas' most crucial resources. While large tracts of undeveloped land in Collin County remain under agricultural or...

Top Projects 1990
A dam, a bridge, an expressway, an interchange, flood control improvements, wastewater treatment and a dredged material containment embankment round out the 1990 Outstanding Civil Engineering...

Lower Granite Fish Guidance Efficiency System Model Study?Snake River, Washington
With the annual migration of adult salmon up the Columbia and Snake Rivers and the migration of their offspring (juvenile salmon) downstream to the ocean, new problems have developed with...

Study on Pneumatic Wave Power Conversion System with the Water Valve Rectifier
We experimentally and theoretically studied the energy conversion characteristics on a new type of wave power conversion system with water valves. The hydraulic model experiment was performed...

Theoretical Study on Capture Chamber with Lateral Entrance
A capture chamber with lateral entrance can be used in a pneumatic wave energy conversion system. In this paper, the output power coefficients of the capture chamber have been calculated...

Power Conditioning Options for Variable-Speed Ocean Energy Conversion Systems
As part of a recent wave energy feasibility study for the coast of North Carolina (SEASUN Power Systems, 1988), a survey was conducted of power conditioning and transmission technology....

Noncondensable Gas Composition and Outgassing Rates in the Open-Cycle OTEC System with Direct-Contact Condensation
This paper will present the results of recent measurements of noncondensable release from an open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OC-OTEC) system in a direct-contact condensation...

SHRP Program: Asphalt Durability and Specification
The goals of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) program are an improved specification for asphalt binders and accelerated performance tests that can be employed by user agencies...





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