Preliminary Investigation into Using Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Real-Time Control of Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digesters
This research explores the use of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) to control an Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digestion Process. It compares a Fixed-Time Control reactor (3 hours of air on/3...

Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion: A Two-Year Appraisal of Canadian Facilities
Full scale, autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) facilities were constructed or upgraded in 1988 to demonstrate high temperature aerobic digestion of municipal sludges at...

Pilot-scale Trickling Filter Nitrification at the Longmont WWTP
Nitrification rates in trickling filters can be affected by influent organic matter, filter length, and hydraulic loading rate. The effects of these parameters on nitrification rate were...

Aerobic Denitrification in Activated Sludge
Definitive proof of the phenomenon of concurrent biological nitrification-denitrification in activated sludge is presented. The mechanism appears to be an inhibition of oxygen respiration...

Minimization of Hazardous Waste Generation: Preliminary Investigation of Waste Management Properties of a Solvent Substitute for TCE
The objective of this study was to conduct a preliminary evaluation of waste management properties of a terpene-based solvent substitute. Waste management properties which were evaluated...

Hazardous Waste Reduction?An International Perspective
Waste reduction has long been recognized as the preferred option for the management of hazardous wastes. As early as 1976, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted...

Waste Minimization/Reduction Initiatives and Consequences
This paper summarizes the various waste minimization and waste reduction initiatives being implemented nationwide. Areas of evaluation include: Material Substitution, Production Modification,...

Practical Use of Plants for Water Purification
Problems with contaminated wastewater in USA, Eastern Europe, and developing countries are outlined. Botanical sewage purification for purifying human, animal, and industrial sewage is...

Constructed Wetlands at Mesquite, Nevada
Subsurface flow (SF) wetlands are used to provide effluent polishing following treatment in an aerated lagoon at Mesquite, Nevada. General SF wetland design methodology is discussed in...

Reliability-Based Estimates of Wetland Detention Times for Wastewater Treatment
Determination of the hydraulic residence or detention time is often the first step in design of wetlands constructed for wastewater treatment. Current methods for estimating wetland detention...

Design Considerations for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New federal and state regulations require publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) as potentially significant...

Continuing Effort to Eliminate Odors at Orange County's Wastewater Treatment Plants
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (CSDOC), California own and operate two wastewater treatment plants. Reclamation Plant No. 1, in Fountain Valley, treats approximately...

Slurry Bioremediation of Petrochemical Waste Sludges
Slurry bioremediation testing was conducted on waste sludges from petrochemical production. The study concludes that the apparent mechanism for remediation of the waste involves an initial...

Assessment of Effects of a Water Supply Withdrawal on Downstream Flows for Anadromous Fish Reproduction
A BASIC computer model was developed to simulate reservoir operations in conjunction with a proposed water supply withdrawal. The model was used to assess the potential impacts of the...

Degradation of 1-Naphthylamine by Activated Sludge Using Bioaugmentation
This paper presents the results of ongoing research using a novel bioaugmentation scheme for activated sludge (AS) treatment of trace levels of a hazardous compound (1-Naphthylamine, 1NA)....

Construction Management at Sikes Superfund Site
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) is providing Construction Management services on the Sikes Superfund site. The project involves constructing an incinerator on-site and incinerating...

The Observational Approach in Environmental Restoration
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has committed to completing environmental restoration of its facilities within the next 28 years (DOE 1990). To achieve this, DOE must ensure that its...

An Analysis of Modeling Techniques in Pollution Management of Natural Water Systems
This paper will focus on various models to demonstrate the difficulties with modeling techniques. The difficulty with developing a valid model for a system is explored through the study...

Who is Taking Out the Garbage?
Due to the shortage of landfill space and the increasing amount of waste being generated, current waste disposal techniques should be studied and revised. New methods should be implemented...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...





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