Hazardous Soil Remediation: A Cooperative Effort between Industry and Government
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company's Antioch Works (Dupont) is on the San Joaquin River 30 miles east of San Francisco, California. For about 25 years, ending in 1981, Dupont...

Indianapolis Uses New Radar Technology to Refine Hyetographs for CSO Model and SSES Studies
Indianapolis is the first city in the country to install the French-developed technology designed by urban hydrologists to accurately measure rainfall between rain gauges. Installed in...

Development and Application of a Dual Drainage Model for the Wethersfield Area of the City of Hartford, Connecticut
A combined system, with overflows, existed in the City of Hartford, Connecticut. Although effective in the context of design standards prevailing at the time of its original design, the...

Infiltration Properties at Two Sites in the Konza Prairie
The spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties that govern infiltration were investigated at a pristine site and an agricultural site in the Konza Prairie Research Area of east-central...

Plans for Testing and Evaluating the New Autoventing Turbines at TVA's Norris Hydro Project
As part of TVA's Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's...

Aeration of Reservoirs and Releases TVA Porous Hose Line Diffuser
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has developed an efficient and economical aeration diffuser design that has been installed and operated successfully at five TVA hydropower projects,...

Managing Great Lakes Water Levels: An International Partnership
During this century, the levels of two of the Great Lakes have been regulated; Lake Superior since 1921 and Lake Ontario since 1960. The regulation is directed by the International Joint...

Simulation of Regional Ground-Water Flow on a Transboundary Flowline; Trans-Pecos, Texas and Chihuahua, Mexico
A two-dimensional, steady-state, cross-sectional model was used to evaluate boundary conditions, residence times, and potential transboundary movement along a 28 mi (45 km) flowline between...

The Use of Monitoring of Russian Water Objects for the Decrease of Disaster Consequences
The project of the United States Monitoring System for Water Resources was created. This system united the possibilities of different kinds of existed systems for observation of water...

A Cost-Effective approach to In Situ Remediation of Soil and Groundwater at a Diesel Fuel Spill Site
A bioventing and groundwater treatment system designed to enhance the natural biodegradation of diesel fuel residuals in soil and prevent further groundwater degradation was installed...

Application of GIS Technology to Floodplain & Habitat Analyses
A long-term flood control and maintenance plan for the Mojave River, located in southern California, is currently being developed to satisfy permit requirements for state and federal regulatory...

Water Resources Investigation Along Salt River in Phoenix and Tempe Area
The Salt River originates in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona and drains westward through the Phoenix metropolitan area to its confluence with the Gila River approximately 15 miles...

Picacho Reservoir Enhancement Study for Water Recharge, Reparian Enhancement, and Water-Based Recreation Purposes
This study was conducted for the Pinal County Department of Civil Works in Florence, Arizona. It investigated the feasibility of a major enhancement and expansion of Picacho Reservoir,...

Costs of Treatment for Wastewater Reclamation and Disposal: A Preliminary Assessment
Our objective is to estimate the marginal costs of different degrees of water reclamation treatment (primary, secondary, and tertiary), using the Los Angeles County Sanitation District...

The Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Marine Pollution Ecology
This account discusses the regulatory requirement of maintaining a Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) as it relates to an ocean outfall. A brief history of the development of the BIP...

Looking for Evidence of Climatic Change in Streamflow Time Series
The principle of stationarity of a streamflow time series has been very commonly assumed in the analysis of hydrologic time series. Some common types of non-stationarity in time series,...

Streamflows Prediction Models for the Colombian Generation System Considering El Ni?o Effect
A monthly and a daily prediction models for some Colombian rivers with hydropower developments were developed and implemented. Several monthly streamfiow prediction models are presented....

Shallow and Surfacing Ground Water in an Arid Urban Environment
Return flow from landscape irrigation is now a major recharge source and the loss of phreatophytic vegetation has caused decreased evapotranspiration discharge in Henderson, Nevada. Lateral...

Overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels Research Program
The objective of the Flood Control Channels Research Program, currently being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, is to develop design guidance and systematic...

The Integration of Receiving Water Impacts in the Evaluation Process of Alternative Designs for CSO Abatement in Providence, RI
The Providence, Rhode Island sewer system is undergoing a combined sewer overflow abatement program. One measure of the program's effectiveness is the reduction of water quality...





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