Waterpower '97
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Waterpower '97 specialty conference. This international conference on hydropower was held in Atlanta, Georgia, August...

Aircraft/Pavement Technology
In the Midst of Change
This proceedings, Aircraft/Pavement Technology: In the Midst of Change, includes papers presented at the 1997 Airfield Pavement Conference...

Thai Water Mark
Thailand's economy has taken off and with new industry and population growth, water quality problems are increasing. The nation has a 20-year initiative to address these problems,...

All Fired Up
Plasma arc technology is being used to treat hazardous waste and contaminated soil and could be used to recycle landfills. The process uses plasma torches that operate at temperatures...

Florida's Big Bellies
FPL designed and installed double reverse tapered poles, affectionately called big belly because the width gradually increases toward the middle and narrows at both ends. The poles replace...

Grouting to Great Depths
Logan Martin dam on the Coosa River in Alabama has been plagued by underseepage since its construction in 1964. The karst forming the dam's foundation allows water to flow...

Evaluation of the Tensar ARESTM Retaining Wall System
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF Service Center. This report evaluates the ARES Retaining Wall System,...

Journal of Composites for Construction
The Journal of Composites for Construction publishes original research papers, review papers, and case studies dealing with the use of fiber-reinforced composite materials in construction. Of special interest...

Calendar: Bridges 1998 Calendar
Featured bridges are: C&O R.R./Lafayette Street Underpass Bridge (VA); Clear Creek Bridge (UT); Stoneman Bridge (CA); Marble Fort Bridge (CA); Rocky Mountain Viaduct (VA); Smokemont...

This section serves as an introduction to the monograph. Topics include organization of guide; objective of post-earthquake investigations; use of guide; risks associated with post-earthquake...

General Procedures for Conducting an Investigation
This section covers general procedures for conducting an investigation. Topics include lifelines and critical facilities to be investigated; the role of the team leader; getting started;...

Electric Power Systems
This section discusses major components and subsystems of electric power systems. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation of electric power facilities, including...

Transportation System Management
This section provides an overview of transportation systems management. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of transportation systems management....

Telecommunications Systems
This section provides an overview of telecommunications systems, including their components and subsystems. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of telecommunications...

Liquid Fuel Systems
This section provides an overview of liquid fuel systems, including major system components. Also discussed are dependencies of liquid fuel systems on other lifelines and vice versa....

Power-Generating Dams: Lifelines
This section provides an overview of power generating dams, including major components and subsystems. Also present are general post-earthquake investigation procedures for dams....

This section provides an overview of hospitals, their major components, and typical hospital lifelines. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation of hospitals....

Evaluating Earthquake Hazards
Earthquake hazards vary considerably in different parts of the country. The effect of an earthquake on telecommunication systems is influenced by the magnitude of the earthquake, the proximity...

Wireless System
The technology of using radio frequencies to communicate is not new. Ham radio and walkie talkies were the first form of radio communication used by the public; then the Citizen Band (CB)...

Assessing Opal's Impact
Geographic information systems and other high-technology tools were used to quantify the effects of Hurricane Opal in October 1995. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, along with...





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