The Deformation Properties of Warm Underocean Permafrost
Two quasi-conventional incremental pressuremeter tests were carried out on man-made specimens of 'warm' ( minus 3 degree C) frozen, saturated sand. Instead of...

Effects of External Loadings on Large-Diameter Buried Pipelines
Development of oil and gas resources in the far north has involved extensive use of buried steel pipelines. Buried pipelines, particularly onshore, are frequently subjected to heavy superimposed...

Cyclic Multiaxial Cubical Cell Experiments on a Norton Sound Silt
A servo-controlled multiaxial cubical test apparatus has recently been used to investigate the behavior of the foundation soil for a gravity structure in Norton Sound of the Alaska Outer...

Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Hydraulically Placed Subsea Berms
The use of hydraulically placed sand for the construction of artificial islands for hydrocarbon exploration in the Beaufort Sea has necessitated detailed geotechnical evaluations of their...

SAV Reestablishment Results?Upper Chesapeake Bay
In the Susquehanna Flats area of the upper Chesapeake Bay, six submersed aquatic plant species were used to test the feasibility of transplanting SAV into sites which were previously vegetated,...

Earth Pressure on Underground Concrete Pipe in a Field Test
The cause of cracking at the sheetpile extraction in concrete pipes buried by the open excavation method was investigated by loading tests on the pipe and a field test carried out by Osaka...

Earth Pressure on Underground Rigid Pipe in a Centrifuge
A series of centrifugal model tests on underground pipes that simulate the actual construction process were carried out to investigate the earth pressure concentration onto the pipe (particularly...

Seismic Analysis of Horse Creek Dam, Hudson, Colorado
On April 8, 1981, six days after a Richter magnitude 4. 0 earthquake, inspectors from the Colorado State Engineer's Office discovered a small crack in outboard side of Horse...

Creep of a Strip Footing on Ice-Rich Permafrost
Creep settlement tests were performed on a strip footing founded on the surface of ice-rich aeolian silt permafrost. The tests consisted of applying four step loadings to a 10 in. (25....

Predicted and Measured Performance of a Foundation
The predicted and measured short term foundation behavior of a 28 story building in downtown San Antonio, Texas is reported. The soil is a stiff to hard clay and clay shale. The design...

Geotechnical Behavior of Underreams in Pleistocene Clay
Enlarged bases are often constructed in cylindrical drilled-and-cast-in-situ foundation elements (footings, bored piles) to increase their capacity. Enlarged bases that are cut mechanically...

Noise and Air Blast from Construction Blasting
Noise generated by construction blasting differs from other construction noise because of its frequency content. The audible high frequency portion is accompanied by a non audible, lower...

Incorporating Graphics in Water Distribution Analysis
One area that has currently been receiving attention is the presentation of hydraulic analysis results utilizing computer graphics to display pipe network and pressure values in graphical...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Digital Simulation of Flows in Hawaiian Soils
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Texas Ground Water Law
Groundwater in Texas is generally considered the property of the surface owner, subject to the rule of capture. This English common law standard was developed at a time when the movement...

Hydraulic Fill Dam Made Earthquake Resistant
San Pablo Dam, near the San Andreas fault, constructed in 1919-21 by hydraulic fill methods, was found to be susceptible in places to liquefaction under seismic loading. The dam has been...

Project Mixes Oil and Water
The Prudhoe Bay Seawater Treatment Plant was nominated for an OCEA award, for its potential to coax from Alaska's north slope 1 billion barrels of oil which otherwise would...

Construction-Induced Dynamic Pressure and Corresponding Impact Factors for Pipelines
The Bureau of Reclamation, U. S. Department of the Interior, conducted a study which measured pressure exerted by construction scrapers on a rigid, buried, instrumented concrete slab....

Effects of Vehicles on Buried, High-Pressure Pipe
The mechanical effects of selected types of traffic on buried, high-pressure steel pipe are examined. Particularly considered is a section of the Colorado Interstate Gas (CIG) pipeline...





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