Model for Water Quality in Periphery of Distribution Systems
A model is presented for water travel time and chlorine concentration in periphery dead ends of the water distribution system. The model is developed under the premise that residential...

The Management Improvement Program: An Irrigation District's Perspective of the Demonstration Program
In November 1990, the Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District agreed to participate in the first application of the Management Improvement Program (MIP) for irrigated agriculture....

The Cost of Highway Bridge Scour in the State of Minnesota
Different states are faced with different conditions with respect to geology, topography, climate, native vegetation types, bridge ownership, and bridges management systems, which in turn...

Simulating DBP Precursor Transport in Sacramento Delta
Fate and movement of disinfection by-product organic precursors in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta was simulated for a 365-thy period with a hydrodynamics and transport...

Interruptible Option Contracts
Interruptible option contracts have been proposed and studied in numerous parts of the Western United States as an alternative supply option for water systems in an economically higher...

Increasing Computational Accuracy of Radial Gate Flows
Radial (Tainter) gates are the most widely used flow control structure on large, open channel conveyance systems. In contrast, the hydraulic forces are complicated and this type of gate...

Developing a Rating Table for the Central Diversion Dam Radial Gates
The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District uses radial gates for flow control throughout its system. The rating tables for five radial gates on a diversion dam are in error,...

Field Determination of Flow through a Pressure Regulating Valve
This paper presents a computer methodology to calculate flow through a pressure regulating valve for different opening percentages and a given pressure differential. The methodology is...

Waste of Water Is Costly. Why Not Use an Accurate Flow Monitoring System?
Water becomes more and more a precious good. Therefore the exact measurement of flow of water, the management of water and process control in connection with water will become more and...

County-Wide Drainage Study Using GIS
A county-wide drainage study was conducted for the County of San Joaquin, California, Department of Public Works, for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the planning of flood...

BASINS?A GIS-linked Watershed Analysis and Modeling Tool
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) is a GIS based tool developed by EPA's Office of Water to help States target and evaluate water...

GIS Applications in Modern Stormwater Management
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that aids stormwater management through efficient data manipulation, analyses, and graphic displays. The integration of GIS with stormwater...

A Hydrodynamic FVM Algorithm on Arbitrary Grids
This paper presents a finite volume algorithm for the vertically averaged integral form of the hydrodynamic governing equations on an unstructured grid system. The algorithm is applicable...

Problems with Metrication in Transboundary Water Projects
This presentation discusses the lessons learned and difficulties encountered by the author in the conversion to SI (System International or modernized metric system) and provides a brief...

Getting Wet with Metric
Conversion from what is now the American system of units to the SI system of units is a dry subject at best. In the water resources area, however, a rather complete immersion is going...

Use of the Metric System in Water Resources
ASCE has advocated use of the metric system since 1876, and the Board of Direction's policy statement specifically urges use of SI in all civil engineering activities. In...

The HEC NexGen Software Development Project
The NexGen project is developing successor software packages to the existing family of HEC computer programs. Development is occurring via teams comprised of technical specialists, computer...

Hydrologic Modeling System
The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is new-generation software for precipitation-runoff simulation that will supersede the Hydrologic Engineering Centefs HEC-l program. Technical...

HEC-RAS (River Analysis System)
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...

Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships in Fracture
Understanding and quantifying unsaturated flow through fractures in rocky slope is important for design and construction of drainage system in large-scale hydraulic engineering. The data...





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