Nonlinearity and Free-Surface Flow
The Dupuit-Forchheimer (D-F) assumption is commonly considered a viable design criterion for water resources projects and, consequently, Darcy law is used to determine the locus of free...

Development of Transport Model for Groundwater Planning and Management in Taipei Basin
The objective of this paper is to develop a groundwater model for contaminant transport simulation. The transport model, in conjunction with the previously developed flow model, is used...

Combination of an Automated Channel Network Extracting System and a Distributed Watershed Model in Estimation Rainfall-Runoff Processes
Due to the improvement of accuracy and availability of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), hydrologic researches which utilize DEMs have gradually reached sound results. In this paper, we...

Probable Maximum Flood Estimation for New and Existing Dams
Although various attempts have been made to streamline the procedures to determine PMF hydrographs for the design of new and rehabilitation of existing dams, there still remains a great...

Long Term Predictability of River Stages under ENSO Influence
The paper explores the bases for alternative approaches to river flow and hydrologic time series forecasting. The precipitation that forces river flow contains significant modes of variability...

HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation software for one-dimensional river hydraulics. The HEC-RAS River Analysis System (HEC, 1994) is intended to be the...

Modeling of Maximum Velocity in Open-Channel Flow
A great deal of information about an open channel flow is contained in the maximum velocity, which, along with the entropy parameter, can determine the mean velocity. Therefore, the maximum...

Verification of Lake Superior Outflow Equations
The outflow from Lake Superior, the largest volume freshwater lake in the world, is regulated by the International Lake Superior Board of Control in accordance with the Treaty of 1909...

High-Resolution Upwind Schemes for Solving Mass Transport Equation
A fractional-step algorithm is employed to solve the mass transport equation by decomposing the advection-dispersion equation into two portions, pure advection and pure dispersion. High-resolution...

Improved Hydraulic Features of the HEC River Analysis (HEC-RAS)
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is in the process of developing a Next Generation (NexGen) of hydrologic engineering software. The goal in the area of river hydraulics is to develop...

Numerical Simulation of One Dimensional Transcritical Flow
The term transcritical flow describes the existence of both subcritical and supercritical flow simultaneously within the computational domain. Transcritical flow situations are encountered...

Treatment of Nonhomogeneous Terms in Flow Models
A study of the relative significance and treatment of nonhomogeneous terms in unsteady open-channel flow simulation models has been conducted. The effects of nonhomogeneous terms including...

Mixing of Thermal Discharges at Low Froude Numbers
A study was performed to develop an optimum configuration for the discharge canal of a cooling lake. The objective was to minimize the initial mixing at the end of the discharge canal,...

Stratified Flow in an Impounded Inland River
Stratified flow in the Seneca River of central New York is described. This flow condition occurs in the vicinity of the outflow from saline Onondaga Lake, and exists both upstream and...

Verification of a Three-Dimensional Model of Delaware Bay
A three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model of Delaware Bay is being developed to assess the impact of deepening the navigation channel from near the mouth of Delaware Bay to the...

Use of FESWMS-2DH for the Attaway Road Bridge Repair Project
The paper presents the application of the Finite Element Surface Modeling System: Two Dimensional Flow in a Horizontal Plane (FESEMS-2DH) computer program in the Attaway road bridge repair...

One- and Two-Dimensional Analysis of Flow in Hotophia Creek, MS
A numerical experiment on the influence of a sand bar encroachment on the stream flow pattern is reported. The results of a two-dimensional analysis were compared with results of an equivalent...

A Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Flow and Salt Transport in the C&D Canal
Two seasonal-scale, three-dimensional hydrodynamic models with salt transport using CH3D-WES were constructed to represent the most critical periods of environmental concern: fishery spawning...

1993 Mississippi Record Stages and Levee Failures
Record-setting stages, flooding duration, and multiple levee failures are distinguishing features of the Mississippi River 1993 flood. The peak stages reached at stations along the Illinois...

Historical Trends in Flood Discharges on the Upper Mississippi River
Long-term streamgage records in the Upper Mississippi River Basin were analyzed using a Kendall Tau-b analysis to determine trends in flooding and average flows. Over the 130 years of...





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