More Kilowatts with Less Investment
The paper discusses partial or complete modernization of hydraulic units and/or governing system as a means to increasing profitability. A combination of general and case history applications...

Practical Aspects of Repairing and Rewinding Hydro-Electric Generators
Often the general condition of the winding can be assessed and in some cases, corrective action can be taken to prolong the life of the winding. In other situations, the assessment may...

Performance Consideration for Selecting a Static Excitation System
Many hydropower plants today are being upgraded with new static exciter/regulator systems to replace the old existing rotary exciters. One type of system is the semi-inverting system where...

Hydro Systems Evaluation on Personal Computers
The programs for selecting the equipment and determining the average annual energy have been separated from the detailed financial analysis. The BASIC language was selected for the first...

Steel Poles?Past, Present and Future
When using steel pole structures, construction possibilities are limitless. Of all the options available, tubular steel structures provide the most versatility for transmission line construction....

Dynamics of Machine Foundation
The art of designing machine foundations, supporting vibratory load has changed from the approximate rule-of-thumb to the scientifically sound engineering procedure. However, the vast...

Demands for Innovation in Power Construction
This paper identifies some specific demands for innovation on power projects, reviews the alternatives considered to meet project objectives, and describes the resulting innovations. Examples...

Design and Construction of the Spirit Lake Outlet Tunnel, Mount St. Helens, Washington
In 1982, a governmental task force was formed to evaluate the hazard posed by the blockage of Spirit Lake that resulted from the eruption of Mount St. Helens in May 1980. An analysis was...

Pavement?An Integral Part of the Terminal as a Container Handling System
A modern container terminal requires extensive areas of paving for stacking and moving containers, the provision of which often proves to be one of the most expensive single items, in...

Recent Trends and Advances in Bulk Cargo Unloading
The progress in loading of bulk cargo into ships has matched the advances in ships' size. The same could not be said for getting bulk material out of the hold of a ship, in...

Design and Construction of Marine Facilities for Ridley Island Coal Terminal
The design and construction of the wharf for 250,000 DWT bulk carriers is discussed in this paper. The terminal project was carried out on fast-track, 23 month schedule, with construction...

Improving Maintenance Performance
This discussion concerns Maintenance Management concepts that emphasize how the human element among Port personnel can be organized and efforts channeled so as to: increase the actual...

Mainframe Software on Micos�Finally?
Now that sophisticated analyses run on microcomputers, engineers should consider converting software originally written for mainframs on their micros. Tools for transferring software can...

CAD Goes into Analysis
In the past, computer analysis of a design was always a separate and distinct step from CAD. Now, an increasing number of systems are combining the two. One system, SSCAD, allows the engineer...

Comparison Between In-Situ Test Results
Penetration tests provide a means of obtaining data from which estimations can be made of the bearing capacity, settlement and liquefaction potential of the soils tested. Empirical formulae...

North American Standard Penetration Test Practice: An Essay
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the in situ mechanical soil test most used by North American geotechnical practitioners. The equipment and procedures of the test have periodically...

Recyclying of Dust from Electric Arc Funances�An Experimental Evaluation
Each year the electric arc steelmaking industry generates approximately 650,000 tons of dusts containing valuable metallic resources such as iron, zinc, lead, and chromium. EAF dust is...

Power from the Incineration of Wastewater Sludge
The City of Kansas City, Kansas recently completed an upgrading of their existing primary treatment and sludge handling system in preparation for the addition of a high purity oxygen activated...

Safety Aspects of Sulfide and Corrosion Studies (abstract)
An overview of the hazards involved in performing sulfide and corrosion studies in sewage treatment and collection systems is presented. Important factors which should be recognized in...

The Rx for Relief from Equipment Failure
A predictive maintenance program was developed for a treatment plant with a large number of pieces of critical mechanical equipment. Using an inexpensive, portable vibration meter, data...





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