Wetland Wonder
Pinellas County and the Southwest Florida Water Management District's Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Department jointly retrofitted an urban drainage basin...

Public Water in Private Hands
The nation's water utilities are becoming a battleground for control between private companies that want a share of the market and public employees who are bidding for their...

Risk Management at Wahleach Dam
In a first-of-its-kind application, engineers used risk analysis to make event-driven design decisions to evaluate dam safety improvements at Canada's Wahleach Dam in British...

Small Town, High-Tech Solution
A reverse osmosis system is a viable treatment option for small communities seeking to achieve compliance with stringent drinking water standards. Here's how one town in Illinois...

Delivered into Providence
The Bristol County Water Authority of Rhode Island needed a pipeline to move potable water into the eastern regions, but the Providence River stood in the way. Directional-drilling provided...

Multiplicity (Available only in the Geoenvironmental Special Issue)
When it comes to tracking groundwater contaminant plumes, single completion monitoring wells are the standard choice, but they aren't the only one. After four years of trying...

When Hurricane Fran slammed into the North Carolina coast last September, it ravaged a fragile barrier island system already torn up by Hurricane Bertha two months before. The result was...

Dredging Up Toxic Sediments
Lots of people like to catch their fish and eat them too, but that's a dangerous proposition when they're fishing in water polluted with highly toxic pesticides....

Manhole Rehab
Using trenchless technology, two construction crews working on the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's Wellesley Extension Relief Sewer project rehabilitated 83 manholes...

Hydraulic Fracturing Advances (Available Only in Geoenvironmental Special Issue)
Removing contaminants trapped in clays and nonpermeable soils can be difficult if not impossible with traditional extraction methods. A look at four hydraulic fracturing case studies shows...

Aesthetics in the Constructed Environment
This proceedings, Aesthetics in the Constructed Environment, contains papers presented at the 24th Annual Conference of ASCE's...

Environmental Quality, Innovative Technologies, and Sustainable Economic Development
A NAFTA Perspective
This workshop proceedings assesses the current level of environmental technologies available in key media and industrial areas and their role in enhancing environmental quality in international...

The Regulated Riparian Model Water Code
Prepared by the Water Laws Committee of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE. This report, a product of ASCE's...

Water Works
The largest water pipeline under construction is in Botswana, in Africa. The North/South carrier project is phase one of a three phase program to bring water to this arid country. Letsobogo...

A Signature Bridge for Boston (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
The first hybrid steel and concrete span in America will debut over the Charles River in Boston, carrying ten lanes of interstate traffic and serving as an elegant capstone to the largest...

Effects of Watershed Development and Management on Aquatic Ecosystems
This proceedings, Effects of Watershed Development and Management on Aquatic Ecosystems, comprises papers presented at the Engineering Foundation...

Ground Water
Protection Alternatives and Strategies in the U.S.A.
Prepared by the Task Committee on Ground Water Protection of the Water Resources Engineering Division of ASCE. This report presents general hydrogeologic...

Above Par Storm-Water Management
Storm water treatment wetlands like the one on a golf course adjacent to Alabama's Mobile Bay are only marginally more expensive to construct than wet ponds, but offer distinct...

Taking in the River
As dams across the country age, so do their intake gates, and testing them requires dewatering. To meet the challenge of dewatering these structures without upsetting sensitive aquatic...

Newport News: Brackish Water Gets Fresh
Rapid growth was straining freshwater supplies in Newport News, Virginia. Studies showed Newport News Waterworks that they could be facing a 30 mgd deficit by 2040 and ran a 50% chance...





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