Community Relations on Hazardous Waste Projects: A Successful Experience
Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted at a hazardous waste site, neighboring communities should...

Analysis of Alluvial Fan Flooding
Alluvial fans are estimated to cover approximately one third of the land area in the southwestern United States. Because of their relatively gentle slopes and well draining characteristics,...

A New Methodology for Modelling Water Pipe Breaks
A new methodology for modelling breaks in large diameter cast-iron water pipes is proposed. The need to consider two separate stages of deterioration (early stages with fewer breaks and...

Water System Reliability?Balance of Cost and Risk
Reliability of water distribution systems to perform adequately during stress situations is dependent both on operation/maintenance preparedness as well as the limitations of the physical...

Solving Nonlinear Equations on a Hypercube
Certain classes of nonlinear systems of equations, such as polynomial systems have properties that make them particularly amenable to solution on distributed computing systems. Some algorithms,...

Explosive Loading of Surface Ships
This paper describes the recent development of numerical methods which have accurately predicted the response of surface ships subjected to underwater explosion tests. The technique couples...

Some Applications of Fourier Series in Structural Optimization
This paper discusses the application of the method of truncated Fourier series to problems of structural optimization. It begins with a discussion of the range of the method which has...

Bidirectional Seismic Response of Simple Structures
For design purposes it has been common to consider that seismic excitations act in one direction at a time. Analytical studies over the past decade have indicated that this may not be...

Simulation of Salt Behavior Using In Situ Response
This paper presents an improved method for simulating the salt behavior. In this method, the governing equations are normalized to the creep function, which represents the transient and...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis on a Micro Computer
The shift toward micros has reduced prices and increased accessibility, permitting engineers to bypass 'bureaucratic' DP departments and run programs as often...

Recent Applications in Computational Mechanics
The papers in this book were presented at the sessions Applications of the Boundary Element Method to Structural Dynamics and Dynamic Response of Coupled Civil Engineering Structures at...

Stability Under Seismic Loading
This publication includes five papers that cover the p- ? effect on seismic structures with semi-rigid connections, the effect of panel zone deformations on the structural response behavior,...

Management Lessons from Engineering Failures
Engineering failures are not always catastrophic. More are due to improper management of contracts rather than actual physical failures. Some result in loss of life; most result in disputes...

Hazardous Waste: Closing the Insurance Gap
Insurers are withdrawing from the hazardous waste field because of large claims and increased risks. Therefore, cleanup contractors are being forced to look for alternative ways to protect...

Checking Off CADD Priorities
Diving head on into new computer aided design and drafting (CADD) hardware and software without considering their effects on firm or university's operation is as bad as ignoring...

Storage Projection for Reservoir Systems
Two methods are studied for determining the probability distribution of future levels of storage in a reservoir system: transient analysis and Gould's probability matrix method....

Automated Data Monitoring for Disaster Prevention
A system is now available from International Hydrological Services for use on micro-computers that will provide real-time environmental monitoring, analysis, forecasting and control. This...

True Cost Comparison of Landfilling and Incineration of Hazardous Wastes
An analysis of the 'true' costs of a series of discrete model situations representing hazardous waste management by landfilling and incineration was conducted....

Land Treatment of Refinery Wastes
The authors discuss: waste characteristics; land treatment; and cost comparison with incineration....

Coastal Erosion Management in Australia and the U.S.
Current knowledge and management policies in both Australia and the U. S. favor non-structural over structural responses to coastal erosion problems wherever possible. The trend towards...





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