Wet Detention Facility Pollutant Removal Modeling
This paper documents development of the WETPOND model, which simulates long-term pollutant removal by a wet detention facility. Pollutant removal is determined with an EPA procedure that...

An Integrated Approach to the Real-Time Control of Water Supply and Distribution Systems
In recent years, real-time automated operation and control schemes have been implemented for a number of water supply and distribution systems with varying degrees of success. This paper...

CAD for Small Hydro Projects
The quest to reduce design costs and improve design quality by raising productivity is familiar to every manager and designer. This article examines how CAD can play a role by examining...

Graphical-Based Productivity Transient Investigation Using DISCO
Construction operations involve complex resource interactions and are typically performed in the field with exogenous factors such as inclement weather conditions and equipment breakdowns....

SCHEREC: SCHedule RECovery System
Creating a revised plan requires experience and significant time. To lessen the effort involved, a knowledge-based system named SCHEREC (SCHedule RECovery) was developed which suggests...

An Integrated Approach To Repetitive Construction Planning
Repetitive construction projects are unsuited for the use of the Critical Path Method (CPM) for their scheduling. Statistical simulation techniques offer a scheduling alternative, but...

Managing Uncertainty in Project Planning and Execution: Introduction and Overview
This paper provides an introduction and overview of topics that are relevant to project design and management under conditions of uncertainty, with an emphasis on civil engineering projects....

Quantification of Cost Uncertainties Using Neural Network Technique
This paper describes the development of a neural network system for forecasting cost escalation in construction. The input of the neural network system consists of factors that have an...

Circle Integration
Based on the results of proof-of-concept experiments, we propose that an integrated suite of software tools can support both automation and integration of several components of AEC design...

Startplan: Producing Schedule Templates Using IRMA
The Information Reference Model for AEC (IRMA) is a generic information modeling standard to support computer-integrated construction (CIC). Although IRMA is still in a conceptual stage,...

Functional Analysis of the Envelope Design Process for Integrated Building Design
Building envelope failures account for a great portion of building failures. The number of envelope deficiencies would be reduced if the design process was integrated. Integration would...

Construction Problem Solving in a Cooperative Distributed Agent Environment
This paper outlines the research being undertaken by the authors to determine how experts develop solutions to construction problems in a cooperative distributed agent environment which...

Improved Computer Simulation of 3D Wind Flow Around a Building
A two-layer method combining the k-? model with the one-equation model near the wall has been tested in computing the wind conditions around a cubic building. In contrast with the simple...

Different Methods to Compute Pollutant Dispersion Around Buildings
Different methods to approximate the advection terms currently in use are reviewed. Holly-Preismann (HP) cubic interpolation using method of characteristics, Chapeau function (CF) method...

Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Aid Water Treatment Plant Operators
Training for water treatment plant operators exists primarily through short courses at colleges or technical schools, self-study manuals, and on-the-job training. Intelligent tutoring...

Computer Applications in Liquefaction Analysis
This paper discusses the applications of total and effective stress based computer programs for liquefaction analysis. A total stress based computer program, SHAKE in conjunction with...

Intentions and Credences ? An Australian Approach to Computerised Building Regulation
In the past, computer representation of building regulations has addressed a series of prescriptive requirements. Compliance with each requirement was essential and the only relationship...

Standards Processing 2000
Current software applications fall short of meeting user requirements for `intelligent' electronic access to building codes and standards. Hypertext is a useful tool, but it only assists...

The Context?Oriented Model: An improved Modeling Approach for Representing and Processing Design Standards
Current electronic design evaluators employ one of three primary computational models to represent a design standard: the Condition/Consequent, Object-Oriented and hybrid models. The problems...

Object-Oriented Structural Analysis with Substructures
Computer-aided structural analysis is a mature field. However, recent research has produced advances in the areas of automated modeling, multi-processing, and programming techniques. The...





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