Gas Transfer at the Water Surface: Measurements of Gas Concentration Fluctuations
The paper describes measurements of fluctuating gas (oxygen) concentrations by means of a polarographic microscope near the air-water interface. The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility...

Two-Dimensional River Modeling of Buckhorn Creek
A two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESWMS-2DH) was used to simulate flow at a bridge crossing of a heavily vegetated flood plain where State Highway 130 crosses...

Simulation of Long Period Ground Motions for a Large New Madrid Earthquake
Ground motions for a large New Madrid earthquake are simulated to provide response spectra in the period range of 0.5-20 seconds for hard rock sites at Chicago and Atlanta. The ground...

Artificial Recharge and Water Supply in The Netherlands
In 1984 infiltration by surface spreading was 156 million m3, serving 15% of total supply of drinking water in the Netherlands. Already for some...

Optimizing Limited Water Resources Through Conjunctive Use
The City of Santa Barbara is faced with potential water supply deficiency caused by decreasing supplies and a mild increase in demand. This paper discusses some of the results of a study...

Status and Experiences Made in the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in the Federal Republic of Germany
With a rate of 72%, ground and spring water is the most important raw material for drinking water supply in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ground water, however, is not available everywhere...

Artificial Recharge in Finland
There are four reasons for artificial recharge of ground water in Finland: 1. The replenishment of aquifers by lake water. 2. To use aquifers as part of surface water treatment process....

Agriculture or Industry? Greenhouse Development in Carpinteria, California
During the past decade, Santa Barbara County, California has witnessed the rapid conversion of orchard and open field agriculture in the Carpinteria Valley to large commercial greenhouse...

Penetrative Convection in Mixed Layer Models
While surface heat transfer is important in lakes and reservoirs, solar radiation, which penetrates the water surface and is absorbed in the water column, also exists. In this work, a...

Air Chamber Surge Tanks in High Head Hydro Plants
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District considered an air chamber during the design of the 'Crater Lake phase of the Snettisham Project near Juneau, Alaska. A conventional...

Hydraulic Design Limitations for Gravity Flexible (Non-Rigid) Plastic Pipes Flowing with a Free Water Surface
Hydraulic design limitations are necessary for gravity plastic pipes when designed for use as a sanitary sewer, flowing part full with a free water surface. The limitation for pipes designed...

Applications of the Singular Point Method to Hydraulic Analysis of Spillways
A computer-oriented procedure is described to develop rating tables for side channel spillways. The procedure includes three sets of computations which have to be performed iteratively...

Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles
Stream cross-sectional geometry obtained from aerial surveys (aerial spot elevations and topographic maps) that conform to mapping industry standards are more accurate than is often recognized....

Effects of Land Subsidence on Flood Profiles
In this study, the effects of land subsidence on water-surface elevation and depth profiles during flood conditions were investigated for a large, hypothetical, slope-controlled stream....

Depleted Uranium Migration in Stream Bedload Environment
The objective of this paper is to present results of a comprehensive hydrologic transport study, designed to assess potential surface water contamination, resulting from the release of...

Improving Drainage with Laser Controlled Land Grading in the Red River Valley of the North
This paper evaluates a laser controlled land grading project in the Red River Valley of the North. Graded fields are compared with ungraded fields to measure changes in dryland crop yields...

Interactive Surface Irrigation Design and Evaluation Software
This paper outlines the features and capabilities of a comprehensive personal computer software system for use by irrigation engineers in design and evaluation of continuous and surge...

Field Evaluation of an Advance Rate Feedback Irrigation System
An experimental advance rate feedback system is described for furrow irrigation based upon a simple volume balance model in which surface storage during the irrigation event is neglected....

Tailwater Management with Surge Irrigation
Field data of surge irrigation has shown that, in the post-advance stage, there exists an optimum post-advance cycle time. Cycle time greater than or less than the optimum post-advance...

Infiltration as a Dependent Variable in Modeling Furrow Irrigation
Most surface irrigation models assume that infiltration is independent of surface flow hydraulics. However, wetted perimeter has been shown to significantly affect infiltration in furrows....





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