Response of Lagoons to Sea Level Change
Relative sea level change and sediment accumulation rates are compared for 21 lagoons on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts to determine their accretionary status. The lagoons reviewed...

Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Mississippi River Delta Plain
Geologic studies of the Mississippi River delta plain and continental shelf reveal the occurrence of several relative sea level stillstands during the last stages of the Holocene transgression....

Late Quaternary (Pre-Holocene) Coastal Systems of New Jersey
The coastline and the area adjacent to the present shoreline of New Jersey has not been explored as intensely as the same region of neighboring states for pre-Holocene high sea level stillstands....

The Stratigraphic Record of Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 on the Maryland Inner Shelf
Present knowledge of Holocene transgressive coastal/shelf systems, while extensive, cannot directly address the effects and consequences of an extended period of relatively high sea levels...

Migrating East Australian Barriers and Reefs Under Greenhouse Scenario
Geological evidence which bears directly on the question of human-induced sea-level change and migrating shorelines is difficult to find. If we could find an ancient analog of the rapid...

Historical Morphologic Evolution and Sedimentation at Barataria Pass, Louisiana
Barataria Pass, Louisiana, one of the most commercially important tidal inlets in the Gulf of Mexico, has undergone several stages of development since 1840. The shore-parallel growth...

Historical Coastal Morphodynamics at St. Marys Entrance and Vicinity, Florida, U.S.A.
St. Marys Entrance is an Atlantic Ocean tidal inlel located on the Florida-Georgia state border. At the end of the nineteenth century rubble-mound jetties were constructed. Large-scale...

Thoughts on Large Scale Coastal Behavior
Large scale coastal behaviour (LSCB) deals with the development of coastal profiles and sediment budgets of a large coastal stretch (order tens of km's) over a considerable...

Regional Sediment Transport in the Coastal Boundary Layer of the Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea
The characteristics of regional sediment transport in the Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coastal Ocean are defined by sources, marine sediment dynamics, and areas of net sedimentation. These...

Large-Scale Coastal Evolution of Louisiana's Barrier Islands
The prediction of large-scale coastal change is an extremely important, but distant goal. Here we describe some of our initial efforts in this direction, using historical bathymetric information...

Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...

Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern California
Seacliffs are erosional slopes. They form when a receding shoreline impinges on coastal terraces, hills, or mountains. Wave-caused erosion at the base of a seacliff controls its long-term...

The Interaction of Seawalls and Beaches: Four Years of Field Monitoring, Monterey Bay, California
Coastal protection structures have historically been the most common approach to dealing with the problem of shoreline erosion in the United States. Three potential impacts of these structures...

Wave-Induced Scour Prediction at Vertical Walls
Scour at the foot of a vertical wall is examined for the special case of normally-incident, nonbreaking irregular waves that are perfectly reflected by the wall. The bottom is initially...

Mound Migration in Deeper Water and Methods of Categorizing Active and Stable Depths
Sustained shoreward migration of several dredged material disposal mounds, including one in 6-m depths off the Alabama coast, should encourage greater use of nearshore placement to conserve...

The Use of Aragonite as an Alternate Source of Beach Fill in Southeast Florida
The first full-scale use in the United States of imported aragonite sand for beach restoration was initiated at Fisher Island, Florida, in December, 1990. The project involved placement...

Integrated Photogrammetric and Geophysical Monitoring of Shoreline Instability in Littoral Cells in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Several factors have recently focused on the attention of government agencies, academic researchers, and the general public on coastal erosion and beach resource management in the Pacific...

Coastal Sediment Budget Analysis Techniques
Sediment budget analysis techniques developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District are described. The basic procedure combines information on shoreline and tidal inlet...

Sediment Budget at Oceanside, California, Calculated Using a Calibrated Shoreline Change Model
A quantitative sediment budget analysis was made for the shoreline segment extending from 4 miles north to 4 miles south of Oceanside Harbor using a calibrated shoreline change model....

Coastal Process Study on Beacon Shoreline
A sediment budget was developed for the Santa Barbara and Ventura County shoreline in Southern California as part of an overall coastal planning effort. The budget was analyzed primarily...





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