Evaluation of Air Quality Methods in the Asbestos Work Area
Air monitoring is a technique that is routinely used to measure the level of asbestos in a given airspace. This technique has changed significantly since its first use in the asbestos...
Professional Liability on Asbestos Abatement Projects
When the engineer is retained on an asbestos abatement project, he or she must bring to the job and employ that degree of skill and learning ordinarily exercised in the profession in similar...
Current Issues in Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is responsible for more worker deaths than any other substance used in the construction industry. This fact has prompted major regulatory changes during the past fifteen years....
Water Requirements for Vegetable Production in Puerto Rico
Total water requirements of green beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, melons, okra, onion, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet peppers, sweet potato and tomatoes were estimated...
Large Scale Evapotranspiration from Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature
Large scale evapotranspiration requires a blend of ground-based and remotely sensed data. To evaluate the utility of the extension from a small to a large scale, studies were conducted...
Measurement Systems in the Hapex-Mobilhy Regional Evapotranspiration Experiment
The HAPEX-MOBILHY (Hydrologic-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment - Modelisation du Bilan Hydrique) regional evapotranspiration experiment was conducted in the south-west of France during the...
Features of Flow in Slurry-Thickening Ponds
The study reported was undertaken to investigate the physical processes which come into play in settling-pond slurry thickeners and causes their behavior to deviate from those included...
Measurement and Analysis of Tracfcfifc-Induced Transient Motion in Navigation Channels
Two-induced physical effects related to navigation changes on the Kanawha River, West Virginia were measured at three environmentally sensitive representative locations. The purpose of...
Discharge Measurement by Thermal Dilution
A flume study was conducted to develop and improve the thermal dilution method of discharge measurement in trapezodial channels. The study was performed in an indoor channel with dischages...
Measurements of Mean Velocity, Turbulence and Temperature in a Deflected, Heated Water Jet
A submerged heated water jet issuing from a vertical wall into a turbulent flow in a rectangular open channel is investigated experimentally to determine the mean velocity, turbulence...
A Phased Approach to Lunar-Based Agriculture
A manned lunar outpost will require agricultural facilities to provide for self-sufficiency. This paper examines a three phase approach which incorporates research on crop optimization....
Solar Water Heater for NASA's Space Station
This paper describes an investigation of the feasibility of using a solar water heater for NASA's Space Station. During the investigation computer codes were developed to...
The Liquid Droplet Radiator in Space: A Parametric Approach
This study is a parametric investigation of the performance and operating characteristics of a cylindrical Liquid Droplet Radiator (LDR) for use in space. The LDR system mass per heat...
Nature's Solutions to Space Insulation
Humans working or living in the harsh environment in space must be protected from temperature extremes. Any effective insulating system must be able to withstand a wide range of temperatures....
Air Safety?Programs and their Effectiveness
Airplane accidents have always had considerable media attention, particularly, when they involve large numbers of fatalities. Ever since the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 and the air...
Zapping Hazwastes
Electromagnetic energy, applied in situ, successfully removes contaminants entrapped in soil by vaporizing them. Recent test using radio frequency have successfully removed up to 99% of...
Program on Advanced Technology for the Highway (PATH)
This paper describes a program of research, development and demonstration of advanced technologies for the automobile/highway system created in California, under the general direction...
Radon at Home
Radon-222 is a radioactive gas that is present in all homes and found in several million homes in the U.S. at levels that have medical experts concerned about its potential to cause lung...
Burying the Nuclear Past
The Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program involves reclaiming 24 tailings piles. The work is done in terms of Federal Legislation to prtect the environment and people from the...
Crossing A Freeway
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle is being constructed on air rights spanning Interstate-5, adjacent to the seven acre Freeway Park that also spans the highway....
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